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Special events, 2008

Dealing with gangs involved in criminal activities Special Meeting on the Phenomenon of Criminal Gangs

(January 17, 2008)

Nuclear weapons

Special meeting on the Consolidation of the Regime Established in the Treaty for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons in Latin America and the Caribbean (Treaty of Tlatelolco) and to promote the full force and effect of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT)


[AG/RES. 2273 (XXXVII-O/07)] and [AG/RES. 2298 (XXXVII-O/07)]


(February 7, 2008)


Follow-up to the Special Conference on Security


Preparations by member states for commemorating the fifth anniversary of the Declaration on Security in the Americas


[AG/RES. 2274 (XXXVII-O/07)]


(February 25, 2008)


Confidence- and security-building

Third Forum on Confidence- and Security-Building Measures


AG/RES. 2270 (XXXVII-O/07)


(March 14, 2008)


Natural disaster reduction

Meeting of high-level national authorities on natural disaster reduction and risk management





Fighting trafficking in persons

Second Meeting of National Authorities on Trafficking in Persons

AG/RES. 2348 (XXXVII-O/07)

(March 27, 2008)


Inter-American Convention on Transparency in Conventional Weapon Acquisition Meeting of states parties of the Inter-American Convention on Transparency in Conventional Weapons Acquisitions in 2008 to prepare for the 2009 Conference of States Parties

 AG/RES. 2268 (XXXVII-O/07)

(April 14, 2008 )

Public Security First Meeting of Ministers of Public Security of the Americas

Mexico City, Mexico

(October 7 and 8, 2008)



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