<%@ Language=VBScript %> <% if request("submit")<>"" then Dim t1,t2,t3,st t1 = Request.Form("email") t2 = Request.Form("name") t3 = Request.Form("subject") st = Request.Form("details") Dim oMail Set oMail = server.CreateObject("[email protected]") oMail.MailFrom = t1 oMail.MailFromDisplayName = t2 oMail.ContentType = "text/html;" oMail.MailTo = "[email protected]" oMail.Subject = t3 oMail.MessageBody = st oMail.SendMessage Set oMail = Nothing Response.Redirect "derecho_internacional_privado_grupos_foro_autorizacion.asp" else%> :: Secretar�a de Asuntos Jur�dicos (SAJ) > Organizaci�n de los Estados Americanos ::

Marek Dubovec

País / Country: United States

Titulo / Title: Research Attorney

Correo Electrónico / Email: [email protected]

Mensajes / Posts: 0

Biografía resumida / Short Bio: Graduated with the Magister of Law degree (JD equivalent)at College of Law, Banska Bystrica, Slovakia in 2003. LL.M. in International Trade Law at the University of Arizona, 2004. SJD candidate at the UoA Fall 2006.Employed by the National Law Center.

Secretaría de Asuntos Jurídicos (SAJ) / Secretariat for Legal Affairs (SLA)
 Cidip VII - Foro de discusión / Working Groups

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