<%@ Language=VBScript %> <% if request("submit")<>"" then Dim t1,t2,t3,st t1 = Request.Form("email") t2 = Request.Form("name") t3 = Request.Form("subject") st = Request.Form("details") Dim oMail Set oMail = server.CreateObject("[email protected]") oMail.MailFrom = t1 oMail.MailFromDisplayName = t2 oMail.ContentType = "text/html;" oMail.MailTo = "[email protected]" oMail.Subject = t3 oMail.MessageBody = st oMail.SendMessage Set oMail = Nothing Response.Redirect "derecho_internacional_privado_grupos_foro_autorizacion.asp" else%> :: Secretar�a de Asuntos Jur�dicos (SAJ) > Organizaci�n de los Estados Americanos ::

Jeffrey Talpis

País / Country: Canadá

Titulo / Title: Law Professor

Correo Electrónico / Email: [email protected]

Mensajes / Posts: 0

Biografía resumida / Short Bio: Professor Private International law, published over 150 articles,book,reports, special consultant to Minister of Justice of Quebec on Preparation of Book X on Private International Law,cited in more than 95 cases since 1995 by courts in Quebec including Supreme court of Canada, lectured in many countries,... [+]

Secretaría de Asuntos Jurídicos (SAJ) / Secretariat for Legal Affairs (SLA)
 Cidip VII - Foro de discusión / Working Groups

<%end if%>