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Corte Penal Internacional

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Academias Diplomáticas


Comité Jurídico Interamericano

Sec. Asuntos Jurídicos


Organización de los Estados Americanos

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Grupos de Trabajo / Working Groups

Foro de discusión - Discussion Forum

[Principal Foro / Home Forum]

 [Instrucciones para el Foro de Discución]

Discussion Forum Instructions

Contributions and submission of materials in this forum is open only to registred users.

To access the private features of the forum you must have a user name and password, which you can obtain following these directions:

Complete the registration form, clicking [Registration] It is mandatory to fill out all the spaces;

Submit the registration form;

Upon registration, wait for email containing your activation code (username and password), which will be needed to access the private features of the system.

Each forum contains a webpage composed of a title, options and a list of messages (including author and date) organized by main issue at the top of a discussion thread followed by sub-threads tied to that main issue.

Threads are organized cronologically, with the oldest appearing at the top of the forum page. This top message will contain the topic with which the discussion of the forum topic was begun. All responses to that message will appear as sub-threads to the original message.

If you wish to respond to a particular message, click the [post message] link and add your username and password in the pop-up window that appears. Once you have logged in you will be able to use the system to add your comment. Please note that, in order for your response to post correctly, all fields in the form must be contain information.

It is important that comments are on-topic and correspond to the appropriate message threads. Messages with new topics should be posted as separate from existing postings. All messages and should be brief and drafted in clear and short paragraphs. Attachments, documents and long postings should be sent separately using the pop-up window feature of the system.

The discussion forum is administrated by a moderator, who will establish the topics and their treatment.

The administration and moderation of the forum takes place weekdays from 9:00AM to 4:00PM (Eastern time in the United States). Information added to the forum at non-moderated times will not appear in message threads until the following moderated time period.

Messages can be posted in English and Spanish. Texts will appear only in the language of their original submission.

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© 2021 Secretaría de Asuntos Jurídicos, Organización de los Estados Americanos. Todos los derechos reservados.