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(2010- 2011)  Western Hemisphere Migratory Species Initiative


Funded by FEMCIDI, the goal of the 2010- 2011 Western Hemisphere Migratory Species Initiative (WHMSI) training program  is to build upon existing WHMSI and other migratory species efforts to significantly enhance the conservation of shared migratory species throughout the Americas by strengthening institutional and human capacity, political commitment, international cooperation, and public-private partnerships at regional, national and local levels. For this purpose the GS/OAS is working in partnership with five NGOs and Government Agencies to develop different regional capacity building activities.

Linking Conservation Initiatives for Grasslands Migratory Species

of the South Cone of South America


Coordinated by


Presentation: click here       |     Proposal: click here



The grasslands of southern South America originally occupied about 100 million hectares in Argentina, Uruguay, Brazil, and Paraguay. Currently, approximately 50% of this area has been converted into housing developments and farmland for agriculture and forestry, impacting negatively on biodiversity, particularly on migratory birds that inhabit these areas.

This project seeks to address the solutions identified in the Action Plan for Migratory Birds in South America, in the framework of the Convention on Migratory Species, enabling synergies between WHMSI and existing conservation initiatives for migratory species such as the Mississippi Flyaway  of the United States and  the Alliance for the Conservation of Grasslands of the Southern Cone of South America.

The project will facilitate the adaptation and application of a methodology that allows a unified planning for the conservation of migratory species at local, regional, and hemispheric levels based on the use and training in the use of “Miradi” software, which enable the stakeholders from the various initiatives to design, manage, monitor, and learn from their projects to achieve the objectives of conservation of migratory species.



  • Promote the integration of regional conservation initiatives trough an unified gasp in planning actions for the protection and management of the migratory species and their breeding and wintering habitats at the hemispheric level.

  • Key actors capacity building for successful implementation of conservation actions from the "Memorando de Entendimiento para la Conservacion de Aves Migratorias de los Pastizales del Conosur de Sudamerica" signed by Mercosur member countries and Bolivia within the framework of the Convention on Migratory Species.







(Initiative for the Western Hemisphere Migratory Species) seeks to contribute significantly to the conservation of migratory species in the Western Hemisphere through the strengthening of cooperation and communication between stages, international treaties and civil society organizations.



 Alliance for the Conservation of Grasslands: Focused on the long-term conservation of biodiversity in the Pampas grasslands, the Alliance works using legal instruments, policies framed by the Alliance for the Grasslands of the Southern Cone, the implementation of a "responsible production" combining production and conservation.


 Initiative Mississippi River: The Mississippi River being an important migration corridor for more than 325 species of birds, of which 22 come to southern South America, this initiative works in key areas by engaging people in important conservation programs as well as seeking to influence policy changes to save and improve the habitats along the corridor.


Non-profit NGO that seeks to improve the practice of conservation through the development and dissemination of knowledge about what works and what does not in terms of conservation; FOS also developed the training manual and “Miradi” computer program.



  • Progress Report  click here

  • Final Report  click here

  • Workshops Materials and Workshop Methodology Website

 WHMSI training projects


        Request for Proposals:





This page was last updated on Friday March 25, 2011.