AG/RES. 1260 (XXIV-O/94)


(Resolution adopted at the eighth plenary session, held on June 9, 1994)



Resolution AG/RES. 1 (XIX-E/93) "Amendment of the Charter of the Organization of American States as Regards Technical Cooperation" (Protocol of Managua);

The General Policy Framework and Priorities: Partnership for Development [AG/RES. 1 (XX-E/94)] and the Mexico Commitment on a Partnership for Development and Struggle to Overcome Extreme Poverty [AG/DEC. 1 (XX-E/94)]; and


Resolution CIECC/RES. 864/94 whereby CIECC mandated CEPCIECC to draft a proposal for adopting operating mechanisms and methods contributing to the successful start-up of the new system for a partnership for development, and instructed the inter-American committees "to determine possible contributions to the Strategic Plan to be formulated by the Inter-American Council for Integral Development";

Resolution CIES/RES. 484 (XXVIII-O/94) whereby CIES requested CEPCIES to identify, in consultation with all the appropriate bodies and the program areas associated with CIES, "all technical cooperation activities in the priority areas for CIDI, in order to develop recommendations for policies, programs and measures toward cooperation for integral development in the Economic and Social Area with a view to the formulation of the Strategic Plan";

The Report of the Permanent Council on the Strengthening of the OAS which recommends, inter alia, the establishment of a joint CEPCIES/CEPCIECC working group, until such time that CIDI is established, to draft proposals to facilitate adjustment of the tasks of the inter-American centers to the priorities agreed upon at the twentieth special session of the General Assembly;

The conclusions and recommendations of the Seminar to Evaluate and Reorient Horizontal Cooperation (CEPCIES/1827); and


The advisability of studying and recommending measures toward reforming cooperation for development and ensuring the transition of CIES and CIECC to the new Inter-American Council for Integral Development, based on a comprehensive perspective,


  1. To request that CEPCIES and CEPCIECC set up a joint working group as soon as possible to study and recommend measures needed in both Councils during the transition stage, until such time that CIDI has been established.

  2. To instruct that joint working group to carry out the actions stipulated in:

    a. operative paragraph 4 of resolution CIECC/RES. 864/94, "CIECC Participation in Reforming Cooperation for Development";

    b. operative paragraph 3 of resolution CIES/RES. 484 (XXVIII-O/94), "Participation of CIES in the Reform of Cooperation for Development and the Preparation for the CIDI."

  3. Also to direct that joint working group to consider:

    a. proposals whereby the work performed by the inter-American centers can be adjusted to incorporate the priorities specified in resolution AG/RES. 1 (XX-E/94) "General Policy Framework and Priorities: Partnership for Development";

    b. implementation of the conclusions and recommendations of the Seminar to Evaluate and Reorient Horizontal Cooperation, and the Declaration by the Caribbean countries at that seminar;

    c. any other action within the purview of CIES and CIECC that might help to launch the activities of CIDI.

  4. To recommend that suitable coordination be established between the joint working group and the Permanent Council's Working Group on the Strengthening of the OAS, and also with the Joint CEPCIES/CEPCIECC Working Group on the Development Problems of the Member States in the Caribbean Subregion.

  5. To ask the joint working group to report on these matters to CIES at the latter's high-level meeting this year and to CIECC at its next meeting, and to present a full report on its activities--accompanied by the observations of those Councils-through the Preparatory Committee of the General Assembly at its twenty-fifth regular session.

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