AG/RES. 1314 (XXV-O/95)


(Resolution adopted at the eighth plenary session, held on June 8, 1995)



The amendments to the Charter of the Organization in the area of technical cooperation "Protocol of Managua" [AG/RES. 1 (XIX-E/93)];

The General Policy Framework and Priorities: Partnership for Development [AG/RES. 1 (XX-E/94)] and the Commitment on a Partnership for Development and Struggle to Overcome Extreme Poverty [AG/DEC. 1 (XX-E/94)], adopted at the twentieth special session of the General Assembly, on inter-American cooperation for development; and

Resolutions AG/RES. 986 (XIX-O/89), "Program of Action for the Strengthening of the OAS"; AG/RES. 1186 (XXII-O/92), "Program of Action for Strengthening the OAS in the Area of Technical Cooperation"; AG/RES. 2 (XIX-E/93), "Implementation of the Charter Provisions on Technical Cooperation"; AG/RES. 1260 (XXIV-O/94), "Participation of CIES and CIECC in the Transition Stage to the Inter-American Council for Integral Development"; AG/RES. 1282 (XXIV-O/94), "Strengthening of the OAS"; AG/RES. 1287 (XXIV-O/94), "Instruments for Implementing the Charter Provisions on Technical Cooperation"; CIECC/RES. 885/95, "Programming of Activities for the 1996-1997 Biennium"; and CIES/RES. 499 (XXIX-O/95), "Role of CIES in the Transition to CIDI";


The Report of the Joint CEPCIES/CEPCIECC Working Group in Charge of the Transition to CIDI (AG/doc.3225/95) and the report and work carried out by the Ad Hoc Group established by CIECC through resolution CIECC/RES. 885/95;

The Report of the Permanent Council on the Strengthening of the OAS (AG/doc.3228/95), especially the part concerning the establishment of CIDI;

The Report of the VIII Joint CIES/CIECC Meeting on Policy, Programming, and Coordination for the Caribbean Subregion; and

The working document of the Secretary General of the Organization "A New Vision of the OAS," particularly the chapter on modernization of technical cooperation;


That inter-American cooperation for integral development is the common and joint responsibility of the member states and that, as a fundamental area of action for the OAS, it should address the objectives of that cooperation in a full and efficient manner within the priority areas collectively defined by the member states; and

The need to implement measures that make it possible to reorient partnership for development and ensure, through joint actions, the transition of CIES and CIECC to the establishment of the Inter-American Council for Integral Development (CIDI); and

CONSIDERING that there are various bodies responsible for fulfilling the mandates related to partnership for development and that it is advisable to organize more effectively the study of the different mandates issued by the General Assembly in this regard,


  1. To take note of:

    a. The report presented by the Chair of the Joint CEPCIES/CEPCIECC Working Group in Charge of the Transition to CIDI;

    b. The report presented by the Permanent Council on the Strengthening of the OAS, especially the part on the establishment of CIDI;

    c. The report of the VIII Joint CIES/CIECC Meeting on Policy, Programming, and Coordination for the Caribbean Subregion; and

    d. The report and work done by the Ad Hoc Group of CIECC.

  2. To extend the mandate given to the Joint CEPCIES/CEPCIECC Working Group and focus within this group all activities and mandates established thus far in connection with Partnership for Development leading to the establishment of CIDI.

  3. To instruct said Joint Working Group to take such actions as may be necessary to fulfill the following mandates:

    a. Adoption of those measures necessary to facilitate the entry into force of the Protocol of Amendments to the Charter related to the Inter-American Council for Integral Development (CIDI), with particular reference to the following elements:

    • The Statutes;
    • The Rules of Procedure;
    • The rules and regulations governing financing, programming, execution, and evaluation of the technical assistance programs; and
    • The structure of nonpermanent specialized committees [AG/RES. 2 (XIX-E/93), operative paragraph 1];

    b. Establishment of guidelines for devising the strategic plan for coordination of policies, programs, and measures in the area of cooperation for integral development within the framework of the general policy and priorities defined by the General Assembly [AG/RES. 1 (XIX-E/93), Article 94.a of the Charter];

    c. Formulation of the instruments needed to implement the amended Charter provisions on technical cooperation [AG/RES. 2 (XIX-E/93), operative paragraph 3];

    d. Preparation of recommendations to facilitate the transition until CIDI begins its activities [AG/DEC. 1 (XX-E/94), operative paragraph 8];

    e. Monitoring of fulfillment of the Program of Action for Strengthening the OAS in the Area of Technical Cooperation [AG/RES. 1186 (XXII-O/92), operative paragraph 11]

    .f. Establishment of mechanisms for coordination with the IDB, the World Bank, and other international organizations to prepare joint activities (CIECC/RES. 885/95 and CIES/RES. 499/95);

    g. Study of a proposed mechanism for coordination between CIDI and other agencies of the inter-American system that engage in cooperation activities so as to strengthen their role, avoid duplication, ensure proper use of available resources, and direct their activities towardfields in which they enjoy a comparative advantage [AG/DEC. 1 (XX-E/94), operative paragraph 7.a];

    h. Evaluation and recommendation of measures to update the various cooperation agreements that the OAS has signed thus far with different international agencies, organizations, and institutions so as to adapt them to the demands of the new hemispheric reality and effectively coordinate them with the priority areas of Partnership for Development (CIES/RES. 499/95, operative paragraph 4);

    i. Implementation of the conclusions and recommendations of the Seminar to Evaluate and Redirect Horizontal Cooperation, and the Declaration of the Caribbean countries on that occasion [AG/RES. 1260 (XXIV-O/94), operative paragraph 3.b];

    j. Implementation of the conclusions and recommendations contained in the final reports of the Joint CIES/CIECC Meetings on Policy, Programming, and Coordination for the Caribbean Subregion;

    k. Study of a proposal on means, forms, and sources of financing for development projects approved by the member states [AG/DEC. 1 (XX-E/94), operative paragraph 7.c];

    l. Study of the mechanisms that must be created or revised to supervise the budget and expenditures of the technical cooperation programs [AG/RES. 2 (XIX-E/93), operative paragraph 2];

    m. Continuation of the study of a proposed information network to integrate the wealth of knowledge possessed by governmental and nongovernmental organizations and institutions that provide cooperation for development in the Hemisphere,in order to encourage and support the sharing of experience and know-how among all countries in the region and to help identify and coordinate supply, demand and resources for addressing the cooperation needs [AG/DEC. 1 (XX-E/94), operative paragraph 7.b];

    n. Analysis of proposals whereby the work performed by the inter-American centers can be adjusted to incorporate the priorities specified in resolution AG/RES. 1 (XX-E/94), "General Policy Framework and Priorities: Partnership for Development" [AG/RES. 1260 (XXIV-O/94), operative paragraph 3.a];

    o. Studies on development financing and external debt [AG/RES. 1282 (XXIV-O/94)], which must be continued, taking into account progress achieved in these areas and in light of the decisions adopted by the heads of state and government of the countries of the Hemisphere at the Summit of the Americas, held in 1994;

    p. Evaluation of regional integration [AG/RES. 1282 (XXIV-O/94)] in light of the activities currently being carried out by the SpecialCommittee on Trade and its Advisory Group;

    q. Operative paragraph 4 of resolution CIECC/RES. 864/94, "CIECC Participation in Reforming Cooperation for Development" [AG/RES. 1260 (XXIV-O/94), operative paragraph 2.a];

    r. Operative paragraph 3 of resolution CIES/RES. 484 (XXVIII-O/94), "Participation of CIES in the Reform of Cooperation for Development and the Preparation for the CIDI" [AG/RES. 1260 (XXIV-O/94), operative paragraph 2.a]; and

    s. Any other action within the purview of CIES and CIECC that might help to launch the activities of CIDI [AG/RES. 1260 (XXIV-O/94), operative paragraph 3.c].

  4. To establish that the Chair of the Joint CEPCIES/CEPCIECC Working Group in Charge of the Transition to CIDI should fall to the respective chairs of CEPCIES and CEPCIECC.

  5. To instruct the General Secretariat to give all necessary support to the Joint Working Group in carrying out its assignments, especially by coordinating the participation of the technical secretariats of CIES and CIECC.

  6. To request the Joint CEPCIES/CEPCIECC Working Group in Charge of the Transition to CIDI and the Joint CEPCIES/CEPCIECC Group for the Caribbean Subregion to carry out their activities jointly in a coordinated manner.

  7. To entrust the Joint CEPCIES/CEPCIECC Working Group in Charge of the Transition to CIDI with analysis of the Secretary General's documents "A New Vision of the OAS" and "Modernization of Cooperation and New Guidelines for the Functions of CIDI" and with possible implementation of the proposals contained therein that may be pertinent to the establishment of CIDI.

  8. To request CIES and CIECC to transfer to the Joint CEPCIES/CEPCIECC Working Group in Charge of the Transition to CIDI all matters relating to the implementation of CIDI's activities.

  9. To declare that the CIECC Ad Hoc Group has fulfilled its mandate and to express special appreciation to the Chair and members of that Group for their meaningful contribution.

  10. To express its appreciation for and recognition of the work carried out by the Permanent Council's Working Group on the Strengthening of the OAS.

  11. To request the Joint CEPCIES/CEPCIECC Working Group in Charge of the Transition to CIDI to submit a report on its activities and on the status of its mandates to the General Assembly at its twenty-sixth regular session.

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