AG/RES. 1344 (XXV-O/95)


(Resolution adopted at the ninth plenary session, held on June 9, 1995)


RECALLING its resolution AG/RES. 1304 (XXIV-O/94), "Cooperation between the OAS and CARICOM"; and

HAVING SEEN the report of the Secretary General on the implementation of resolution AG/RES. 1304 (XXIV-O/94),


  1. To express satisfaction with the efforts made by the Secretary General of the OAS to strengthen cooperation between the OAS and CARICOM.

  2. To request the Secretary General to continue taking appropriate measures to deepen and expand cooperation between the OAS and CARICOM and between their specialized agencies and associated regional institutions.

  3. To note with satisfaction that collaboration between the secretariats of the two organizations and their specialized agencies and associated institutions has been reinforced and that consultations have continued between the two secretariats so as to carry out the recommendations of the Memorandum of Understanding.

  4. To note with satisfaction that the First OAS-CARICOM General Meeting was held with representation from the agencies of the OAS and the associated regional institutions of CARICOM.

  5. To request the Secretary General to implement, in collaboration with the Secretary General of CARICOM, the recommendations of the First OAS-CARICOM General Meeting.

  6. To note with satisfaction that the mechanism established for coordination of OAS-CARICOM cooperation has functioned successfully, and to urge the Secretary General to consult with the Secretary General of CARICOM to take measures to improve that mechanism, as recommended by the First OAS-CARICOM General Meeting.

  7. To request the Secretary General of the OAS, in collaboration with the Secretary General of CARICOM, to convene the Second OAS-CARICOM General Meeting on cooperation between the OAS and CARICOM, at a date and place to be set in due course, to review and endorse the progress made in general areas, and to make recommendations for future collaboration.

  8. To request the Secretary General to submit a report on implementation of this resolution to the General Assembly at its twenty-sixth regular session.

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