AG/RES. 1350 (XXV-O/95)


(Resolution adopted at the ninth plenary session, held on June 9, 1995)


HAVING SEEN the Declaration of Bel?m do Par?, in which the General Assembly declared its "decision to cooperate in a reciprocal effort towards preventing and punishing terrorist acts, methods, and practices, and the development of international law in this matter" [AG/DEC. 6 (XXIV-O/94)] and the report of the Permanent Council on terrorism included under the agenda item on implementation of resolution AG/RES. 1254 (XXIV-O/94), "Summit of the Americas";

RECOGNIZING the consideration given to this matter by the member states during the twenty-fifth regular session, at which its importance was emphasized and interest was expressed in moving forward with the quest for effective solutions that would help eliminate terrorism;


That the section on "Eliminating the Threat of National and International Terrorism" contained in the Plan of Action of the Summit of the Americas states that the governments of the American states will promote bilateral and subregional agreements with the aim of prosecuting terrorists and penalizing terrorist activities within the context of protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms and will convene a special OAS conference on the prevention of terrorism;

That, in the document "A New Vision of the OAS," the General Secretariat of the Organization points to the essential need to develop new forms of inter-American cooperation for confronting terrorism effectively; and

That the Permanent Council placed consideration of the topic of terrorism on its agenda as set forth in the Plan of Action of the Summit of the Americas and subsequently set up a working group to study the various mandates relating to terrorism under consideration by the Organization; and

BEARING IN MIND the provisions of Articles 127 and 128 of the Charter of the OAS concerning the Specialized Conferences,


  1. To convene an Inter-American Specialized Conference on Terrorism, to be held during the first half of 1996.

  2. To instruct the Permanent Council to draw up the agenda and the rules of procedure of the Conference, determine its date and place, and make any other preparations that may be necessary.

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