AG/RES. 1445 (XXVII-O/97)


(Resolution adopted at the third plenary session, held on June 2, 1997)


DEEPLY CONCERNED over the increase in the region in the illicit production of and trafficking in firearms, ammunition, explosives, and other related materials, and over its clear connection with the drug trade, terrorism, and organized crime;

DISMAYED by the negative impact in our region of the illicit production of and trafficking in firearms, ammunition, explosives, and other related materials on personal safety and the integrity of our institutions;

MINDFUL of the urgent need to prevent, combat, and eradicate the illicit production of and trafficking in firearms, ammunition, explosives, and other related materials;

RECALLING that one of the purposes of the Organization of American States is to achieve effective control of conventional weapons so that the largest possible amount of resources can be devoted to economic and social development;

CONSIDERING the decision of the heads of state and government gathered at the Summit of the Americas held in 1994, to strengthen efforts to control firearms, ammunition, and explosives to avoid their being diverted to drug traffickers and criminal organizations;

TAKING INTO ACCOUNT the communiqu� of the Tenth Summit of Heads of State and Government of the Mechanism for Political Consultation and Consensus (Rio Group), issued in Cochabamba, Bolivia, on September 4, 1996, at which they considered the advisability of preparing a draft convention to put an end to the illicit production of and trafficking in weapons in the region;

WELCOMING the recent statements of the heads of state and government of the Hemisphere on this problem, particularly the Declaration of Principles of Bridgetown, signed on May 10, 1997, by the Caribbean countries and the United States, in which they recognized that the conclusion of an international instrument establishing rights and obligations would be an effective tool in fighting the illicit trafficking in firearms, ammunition, explosives, and other related materials and, to that end, decided to work toward the prompt adoption of an international agreement on this subject;

EXPRESSING ITS GRATITUDE to the member countries of the Mechanism for Political Consultation and Consensus (Rio Group) for submitting a draft inter-American convention against the illicit production of and trafficking in firearms, ammunition, explosives, and other related materials;

RECALLING that the Permanent Council set up a working group to study and consider a draft inter-American convention against the illicit production of and trafficking in firearms, ammunition, explosives, and other related materials and other appropriate actions;

RECOGNIZING the efforts of the Inter-American Drug Abuse Control Commission to develop model regulations in areas related to this draft convention; and

APPRECIATIVE that many proposals were submitted to the latest meeting of the Working Group because of the interest shown in the Convention,


  1. To note with satisfaction the report of the Permanent Council on the activities of the Working Group, which held several meetings during which many proposals were considered.

  2. To instruct the Permanent Council, through its Working Group and with the participation of government experts, to intensify its efforts aimed at concluding an Inter-American Convention against the Illicit Production of and Trafficking in Firearms, Ammunition, Explosives, and Other Related Materials, to be submitted to the member states for consideration in the autumn of 1997.

  3. To request the Permanent Council to convene a special session of the General Assembly once the text of the Convention has been concluded, with the objective of adopting it and opening it for signature in 1997.

  4. To express its appreciation to the General Secretariat for its cooperation in these endeavors and to request it to continue to lend its support.

Documents of the OAS