AG/RES. 1452 (XXVII-O/97)


(Resolution adopted at the sixth plenary session, held on June 4, 1997)


HAVING SEEN the observations and recommendations of the Permanent Council on the annual reports of the organs, agencies, and entities of the Organization (AG/doc.3512/97);

RECALLING General Assembly resolution AG/RES. 331 (VIII-O/78), "Preparation of the Reports of the Organs, Agencies, and Entities of the Organization";

REAFFIRMING the need to adopt standardized criteria for preparation of the substantive information in and the form of the reports submitted under Article 90.f of the Charter, so that the information contained therein will be useful for the purposes of the General Assembly;


The Permanent Council's authority under Article 90.f of the Charter to consider the reports of the organs, agencies, and entities of the Organization;

That the inclusion in each of the said reports of a statement on the budgetary status, financial expenditures, and external funding of the respective body would make the report more complete and facilitate its proper study by the Permanent Council;

That some of the bodies included in Article 90.f are funded by the OAS and that others are financed by other means; and

The excellent quality of the annual reports presented in 1997 in accordance with Article 90.f of the Charter by the Inter-American Council for Integral Development, the Secretary General, the Administrative Tribunal, the Pan American Health Organization, the Inter-American Drug Abuse Control Commission, the Inter-American Telecommunication Commission, the Inter-American Children's Institute, the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture, the Pan American Institute of Geography and History, the Inter-American Indian Institute, and the Inter-American Commission of Women; and

TAKING INTO ACCOUNT that the Inter-American Economic and Social Council and the Inter-American Council for Education, Science, and Culture have been replaced by the Inter-American Council for Integral Development,


  1. To improve on the criteria contained in resolution AG/RES. 331 (VIII-O/78), "Preparation of the Reports of the Organs, Agencies, and Entities of the Organization" for preparation of the substantive information in and the form of reports submitted under Article 90.f of the Charter, so that they may include the following in general terms and summarized form:

    1. A brief account of the origin, legal bases, structure, and purposes of each of the organs, agencies, and entities;

    2. Summarized information on the mandates and recommendations of the General Assembly and of the governing bodies of each of the organs, agencies, and entities, and on the implementation of said mandates and recommendations;

    3. A summary of the activities conducted to carry out their particular purposes, objectives, and mandates, presented by program area and country, noting progress achieved, difficulties encountered in implementation, and any other information considered relevant to bring to the attention of the General Assembly;

    4. A summary of relations and forms of cooperation with other inter-American organs and with similar regional and world organizations and the coordination achieved in their activities;

    5. A list of the meetings held during the period covered by the report and within the corresponding area of competence, with an indication of the document containing the final report of each of those meetings;

    6. The resolutions, recommendations, and observations that the particular organ, agency, or entity may decide to submit to the General Assembly; and

    7. A summary of the current financial situation, which shall include the budget for the year covered by the report; information on the source and the amount of funding sought and obtained; efforts to obtain external funding and their success; expenditure; the status of quota collections; and a global budgetary projection and possible sources of funding for the following year.

  2. The criteria set out in paragraph 1.g. above shall apply at all times to the organs, agencies, and entities of the Organization which are funded directly by the Organization, and shall apply to the others when they deem it appropriate.

  3. The report should be as brief as possible and, where published in book form, should be presented as an executive summary for consideration by the Permanent Council.

  4. The provisions contained in this resolution shall apply only to those reports submitted under Article 90.f of the Charter and transmitted by the Permanent Council to the Committee on Meetings and Organizations for study.

  5. To transmit this resolution to the organs, agencies, and entities of the Organization.

Documents of the OAS