AG/RES. 1455 (XXVII-O/97)


(Resolution adopted at the sixth plenary session, held on June 4, 1997)


TAKING INTO ACCOUNT that full and equal participation by women in society requires that policies and plans be developed from a gender perspective;

MINDFUL of the urgent need for statistics which include the gender perspective in all possible areas so as to have available scientific and factual data which will assist in the definitive introduction of the gender perspective into social, economic, and cultural policy, thereby improving the quality of life of women and of society; and of the need to use statistics to assist in the definition and execution of projects which will enable governments to make real progress in achieving full and equal participation by women in society; and


That, at present, in most member states, there are no statistics available which would satisfy the requirements for formulating sound gender-based policies and projects; and

That a gender-based inter-American system of statistics would make it possible to make comparisons among the member states, and the various regions, and could provide information essential to finding an overall solution to the gender problem,


  1. To urge member states that have national statistical systems to look into the possibility of including the gender perspective in any statistics they compile in the future.

  2. To urge member states that do not have or are not developing national statistical systems to do so, taking into account the gender perspective in any statistics they compile.

  3. To urge the General Secretariat to work with relevant regional and global institutions toward promoting inclusion of the gender perspective in any statistics they compile.

Documents of the OAS