AG/RES. 1464 (XXVII-O/97)


(Resolution adopted at the sixth plenary session, held on June 4, 1997)


HAVING SEEN the Declaration of Principles and Plan of Action for the Americas adopted at the Meeting of Senior Telecommunication Officials held in Washington, D.C., on September 25 and 26, 1996, which was coordinated by the Inter-American Telecommunication Commission (CITEL) pursuant to a mandate from the Summit of the Americas; and


That, at the Summit of the Americas held in 1994, the heads of state and government adopted a Plan of Action, in which they undertook, through CITEL and, in coordination with the subregional telecommunications organizations, to develop and carry out a work program to:

— Evaluate regulatory, technical, and legal means to promote liberalization, common standards, interoperability of networks, and compatible use of the radio spectrum;

— Examine ways to promote greater consistency of the certification processes for telecommunications equipment among member countries;

— Develop regional guidelines for the provision of international value-added network services;

— Support a meeting by 1996, coordinated by CITEL, of senior telecommunication officials to conduct further discussions of the above actions; and

That in the Declaration of Montrouis: A New Vision of the OAS, the ministers of foreign affairs and heads of delegation declared:

Their commitment to promote investment in information, communication, and telecommunication infrastructure; and they request the Secretary General to promote access for our countries' institutions to information networks and to support and propose policies to strengthen the Inter-American Telecommunication Commission (CITEL) so that it may fulfill the mission entrusted to it in the Plan of Action of the Summit of the Americas,


  1. To take note of the Declaration of Principles and Plan of Action for the Americas, adopted by the Meeting of Senior Telecommunication Officials.

  2. To recommend that, within allocated resources approved in the program-budget and other resources, the Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Affairs of the Permanent Council identify the funds required to monitor the activities recommended by the ministers, in order to comply with their objectives and commitments.

  3. To request the Inter-American Telecommunication Commission to continue including in its annual report to the General Assembly a review of the follow-up to the Summit of the Americas and of activities arising out of decisions adopted by the Meeting of Senior Telecommunication Officials.

Documents of the OAS