AG/RES. 1481 (XXVII-O/97)


(Resolution adopted at the seventh plenary session, held on June 5, 1997)


HAVING SEEN the report of the Permanent Council on enhancement of the administration of justice in the Americas (CP/doc.2919/97), presented pursuant to resolution AG/RES. 1392 (XXVI- O/96);


That said resolution indicates the desirability of developing activities aimed at achieving greater judicial cooperation in the region and at increasing awareness of the international rules of law emanating from the inter-American system; and

That, in that connection, the Permanent Council, with the collaboration of the General Secretariat, has already held subregional seminars and workshops, and that these activities should be pursued with the collaboration of member states and national and international institutions; and

BEARING IN MIND the provisions of the Declaration of Panama on the Inter-American Contribution to the Development and Codification of International Law [AG/DEC. 12 (XXVI-O/96)], in particular paragraphs 12 and 13,


  1. To receive with satisfaction the report of the Permanent Council on enhancement of the administration of justice in the Americas.

  2. To reiterate to the Permanent Council that it should continue, through its Working Group on Enhancement of the Administration of Justice in the Americas, in coordination with the Inter-American Juridical Committee and the General Secretariat, in collaboration with the national and international institutions involved in this subject and within allocated resources approved in the program-budget and other resources, to organize seminars or workshops aimed at achieving greater judicial cooperation in the region and at increasing awareness of international rules of law emanating from the inter-American system, and that it should consider and forward, through appropriate channels, any requests member states may put to the Organization with regard to assistance for the enhancement of the administration of justice in their countries.

  3. To request the Permanent Council to report the implementation of this resolution to the General Assembly at its twenty-eighth regular session.

Documents of the OAS