AG/RES. 1490 (XXVII-O/97)


(Resolution adopted at the seventh plenary session, held on June 5, 1997)


TAKING INTO ACCOUNT resolution AG/RES. 1380 (XXVI-O/96), "Improvement of Public Safety and Security";

HAVING SEEN the report presented by the Secretary General (AG/doc.3471/97) on the subject of public safety and security and the work program and possibilities for technical cooperation in this area;

RECALLING the Declaration of Montrouis: A New Vision of the OAS, which states the intent to "foster an exchange of experiences in the prevention of and war on crime and to study possible measures to improve public safety"; and

CONSIDERING that knowledge and experience in this area can be exchanged within the framework of the OAS and with the broadest respect for the sovereignty and independence of the countries,


  1. To take note of and express appreciation for the report on the subject of public safety and security presented by the Secretary General.

  2. To instruct the Permanent Council to study and analyze the report presented by the Secretary General, in fulfillment of the provisions of resolution AG/RES. 1380 (XXVI-O/96).

  3. To urge the Secretary General to continue to lend his support to study of the topic.

  4. To request the Permanent Council to report to the General Assembly once consideration of this topic has been concluded.

Documents of the OAS