AG/RES. 1513 (XXVII-O/97)


(Resolution adopted at the seventh plenary session, held on June 5, 1997)



Resolution AG/RES. 1440 (XXVI-O/96), "Sustainable Development," and the mandates contained therein directed at the Inter-American Council for Integral Development (CIDI) and at its Permanent Executive Committee (CEPCIDI);

Resolution CIDI/RES. 11 (II-O/97), "Inter-American Program for Sustainable Development and Follow-up to the Summit of the Americas on Sustainable Development";

Resolution CIDI/CIDS/RES. 1 (I/97), "Coordination and Follow-up to the Summit of the Americas on Sustainable Development"; and

The report of CIDI, presented through CEPCIDI, on the Inter-American Program for Sustainable Development (CEPCIDI/doc.70/97 rev.); and


That human beings have the right to a healthful and productive life in harmony with nature and hence are the focus of concerns related to sustainable development, and that it is necessary for development strategies to include sustainability as a vital factor in attaining economic, social, and environmental objectives in an equitable, interdependent, and integral manner; and

That the OAS should serve as a hemispheric forum to promote dialogue and the coordination of advances in the area of sustainable development; support the exchange of information on topics related to sustainable development and facilitate the direct sharing of experience among the countries, institutions, and organizations taking action in these areas; and offer to work in partnership in matters of sustainable development where it has a comparative advantage,


  1. To adopt the Inter-American Program for Sustainable Development as part of the Strategic Plan for Partnership for Development 1997-2001.

  2. To entrust the Inter-American Council for Integral Development (CIDI) with supporting the execution of the Inter-American Program for Sustainable Development, as well as with coordinating and following up on the various decisions of the Summit of the Americas on Sustainable Development. To this end, the Executive Secretariat for Integral Development shall coordinate the necessary support tasks with the relevant offices of the General Secretariat and in particular with the Unit for Sustainable Development and Environment.

  3. To reiterate its request to the Secretary General that he submit to the Permanent Executive Committee of the Inter-American Council for Integral Development by September 30, 1997, for its approval, the 1998 annual program of activities for the Unit for Sustainable Development and Environment, and that he submit quarterly progress reports on said program.

  4. To entrust CIDI with reporting on the implementation of this resolution to the General Assembly at its twenty-eighth regular session.

Documents of the OAS