AG/RES. 1519 (XXVII-O/97)


(Resolution adopted at the seventh plenary session, held on June 5, 1997)



Resolution AG/RES. 651 (XIII-O/83), which charged the Permanent Executive Committee of the Inter-American Council for Education, Science, and Culture (CEPCIECC) to examine the legal, economic, administrative, and programming implications of reincorporating the "Museum of Modern Art of Latin America" into the Regional Program for Cultural Development; and

Resolution AG/RES. 694 (XIV-O/84), which extended the mandate given to CEPCIECC by AG/RES. 651 (XIII-O/83);


Decision CP/SA. 626/85 (6), which asked the Secretary General to establish the necessary mechanisms in order to strengthen the ties between the Museum and the Regional Program for Cultural Development and report to the General Assembly at its fifteenth regular session on the progress made in this regard;

Executive Order No. 76-7, in which the Secretary General set the objectives, characteristics, and activities of the "Museum of Modern Art of Latin America" and decided to establish a board of trustees;

Executive Order No. 78-4, which amended Executive Order 76-7 in part but not in respect to the mandate of the Museum, its objectives, and the requirement to constitute a board of trustees;


Executive Order No. 90-1, which recognized that the Organization of American States must strengthen its cultural activities and ensure the artistic presence of all member states of the Americas; and


That the membership of the Organization of American States has significantly increased since the aforementioned documents were issued;

That the mandate of the Art Museum of the Americas states that the Museum should promote exclusively the contemporary art of Latin America and the Caribbean;

That member states feel that this mandate no longer represents the real mandate of integration of all member states of the Organization of American States; and

That member states expressed their will to establish mechanisms to ensure that all member states and subregions of the Hemisphere are adequately represented in the management of this important instrument of cultural integration in the Americas,


  1. To amend the mandate of the Art Museum of the Americas and make it the policy of the Organization of American States to promote equally the culture of all member states of the Organization.

  2. To request the Permanent Executive Committee of the Inter-American Council for Integral Development (CEPCIDI) to examine the documents relevant to the operation of the Museum in order to develop the guidelines for the composition and work of an advisory board appointed by the member states, with due consideration for geographic balance, to oversee the work of the Museum within the framework of the Inter-American Cultural Program.

  3. To request the General Secretariat to present a report to CEPCIDI on the Museum's activities.

  4. To encourage the Museum to continue its efforts in obtaining external resources for the implementation of its programs and activities.

Documents of the OAS