CP/RES. 690 (1095/96)
12 December 1996
Original: Spanish

CP/RES. 690 (1095/96)



HAVING SEEN resolution CEPCIDI/RES. 6 (IX-O/96) and resolution AG/RES. 1 (XXII-E/96); and


That by resolution AG/RES. 1 (XXII-E/96), the twenty-second special meeting of the General Assembly authorized the reappropriation of 1994-95 technical cooperation funds not obligated as of December 31, 1995, in Chapters 4 and 5 of the Regular Fund and voluntary funds, in order to continue certain "ongoing projects" and to "execute during 1996 new projects that are proposed by the member states" and approved by the Inter-American Council for Integral Development (CIDI) in accordance with those guidelines;

That also under that resolution, the General Assembly reaffirmed GTC/RES. 1/96 establishing the Temporary Special Fund (FET), and authorized the transfer of "all resources in the Special Development Assistance Fund (SDAF); all resources in the Special Multilateral Fund of the Inter-American Council for Education, Science and Culture (FEMCIECC) and its Regular Account, Mar del Plata Account (CMP), and the Special Account for Culture (CEC), including their respective subfunds; all interest on those funds; and any sums resulting from deobligations in those funds that occur during the first half of 1996, as well as any funds in Chapters 4 and 5 not obligated in 1995" (together "the 1994-95 FET Funds");

That due to unanticipated circumstances, it is impossible for the Secretariat and member states to execute ongoing projects and to program and execute the new projects proposed during 1996 by the member states with the 1994-95 FET Funds within the time-frames anticipated when resolution AG/RES. 1 (XXII-E/96) was adopted;

That Article 73 of the General Standards authorizes the Permanent Council, upon the request of the General Secretariat, to make special appropriations for unforeseen circumstances and to determine the funds by which those appropriations are to be financed, and that under Article 90.b of the Charter, the Permanent Council is authorized "to adopt provisions of a regulatory nature that enable the General Secretariat to carry out its administrative functions" when the General Assembly is not in session;

That by resolution CEPCIDI/RES. 6 (IX-O/96), CEPCIDI has asked the Secretary General "to take the appropriate measures under Article 73 of the General Standards to obtain from the Permanent Council the authority necessary to extend the period for obligating the 1994-95 FET Funds through to June 30, 1997, and to extend the period for liquidating those obligations to December 31, 1997, subject to the understanding that appropriations not so obligated or expended will irrevocably lapse;

That the unobligated appropriations of 1994-95 FET Funds programmed by CEPCIDI will lapse on December 31, 1996, unless the Permanent Council renews those appropriations as "special appropriations" and authorizes the Secretariat to continue obligating against those appropriations and liquidating those obligations in 1997; and

That the resources needed to fund the special appropriations and authorizations required consist of the remaining 1994-95 FET Funds deposited in CIDI's Temporary Special Fund (FET), together with the interest earned by those Funds during 1996,


To extend, as a special appropriation to satisfy unforeseen needs for CEPCIDI's programming and execution of projects with 1994-95 FET Funds, the authorizations provided under operative paragraph 1 of AG/RES. 1 (XXII-E/96) regarding the obligation and expenditure of 1994-95 FET Funds, and to authorize the obligation and expenditure of the 1996 interest on those Funds as approved in resolution CEPCIDI/RES. 6 (IX-O/96).

CP02766.E .