CP/RES. 707 (1139/97)
16 October 1997
Original: Spanish

CP/RES. 707 (1139/97)




That the Charter of the Organization of American States establishes that representative democracy is an indispensable condition for the stability, peace, and development of the region; and

That the Charter further establishes, as one of its essential purposes, the promotion and consolidation of representative democracy, with due respect for the principle of nonintervention;


That channels of dialogue and negotiation are being kept open to seek reconciliation among Colombians and the restoration of a climate of coexistence that may facilitate political, social, and economic development;

That, despite efforts by the Colombian Government, a series of violent acts is having a negative impact on the climate of freedom needed for Colombian citizens to exercise their right to elect departmental and municipal officials on October 26; and

That restrictions are also being placed on the possibility of Colombian citizens' voting on the "Mandate for Peace, Life, and Liberty," which is promoted by nongovernmental organizations, with the support of various governments and international organizations; and


That the persistence of violence undermines improvements in the social and economic situation of Colombians; and

That the various forms of violence unleashed against the electoral process in Colombia threaten its democratic tradition and seriously disrupt the right of all citizens to elect officials and to be elected,


  1. To express its fullest possible solidarity with the people and Government of Colombia so that the forthcoming elections may be held in a climate of peace and stability and, in particular, so that the rights of all Colombians to elect officials and to be elected may be respected.
  2. To take note with satisfaction of the initiative "Mandate for Peace, Life, and Liberty" and to commend efforts in favor of the peaceful holding of elections.
  3. To reject violence once again as a means of settling conflicts and to condemn any threat or act of intimidation against the electoral candidates or against voters during the Colombian electoral process.
  4. To support the efforts made by the Government of Colombia, which, with the participation of different sectors of society, is seeking to bring to a halt the armed conflict in Colombia through dialogue and negotiation, so as to bring about a just and lasting peace.
  5. To request the Chair of the Permanent Council of the Organization and the Secretary General to transmit this resolution to the Government of Colombia and to the Secretary-General of the United Nations.
