Organization of American States

Press Release 
November 4, 2001


Observers from the Organization of American States (OAS) say Sunday's presidential elections in Nicaragua were peaceful.  The OAS Electoral Observation Mission's preliminary report said its monitors confirmed a high voter turn-out, with full and unhindered access to polling stations for Nicaraguans to elect a president and vice president as well as deputies and other officials.

The Observation Mission issued its statement after reviewing reports its 78-member team sent in Sunday confirming that election materials were distributed on time and that the conduct of the vote met international standards.  But, according to the OAS report, on election day itself most polling stations opened late and other problems led to late closings that could delay the posting of results. 

Other difficulties identified included the accreditation of party representatives and electoral observers for this the fifth Nicaraguan election the OAS is monitoring.

The OAS Mission did indicate it expects auditing of the system used to post results would clear up any uncertainties surrounding technical capacity and transparency. 

OAS observers have been in Nicaragua since August, closely monitoring election procedures that were based on a timetable the country's Supreme Electoral Council put in place for the November 4 polls.   In October, the OAS increased the number of its international observers to 78 to cover the final phase leading up to the ballot.
