Media Center

Press Release


  December 9, 2009

At the headquarters of the Organization of American States (OAS) in Washington, D.C., today the Government of Dominica and the OAS General Secretariat signed an agreement regarding the privileges and immunities of the electoral observation mission that will participate in the general elections of the Eastern Caribbean country to be held December 18.

At the signing ceremony, Judith Anne Rolle, Interim Representative of Dominica to the OAS, expressed her country’s appreciation for the presence of an OAS mission in this process, and noted that “Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit keeps reiterating the need for peaceful elections, because Dominicans are known for this practice, and all are looking forward to that type of outcome”.

On the other hand, OAS Assistant Secretary General Albert Ramdin reaffirmed the Organization’s commitment to help member states achieve transparent and orderly election processes. “The OAS is always prepared and ready to serve countries for two reasons: one, because elections are a central part of the political life in our member states, therefore, it is important to take note of that process; secondly, because we all can learn from every election, and take away best practices”.

This is the first time an OAS mission will observe an electoral process in Dominica. Steven Griner, head of the Electoral Observation Section of the OAS Department for Electoral Cooperation and Observation, was recently appointed by the OAS Secretary General to serve as Chief of Mission; he will arrive in Dominica on Sunday, December 13th. Twelve observers from eight different countries will be visiting polling centers in each of 21 constituencies.

Reference: E-411/09