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Inter-American Peace Forum 2009
The International Day of Peace was established by the United Nations General Assembly in 1981 and, twenty years later, it set September 21 as the fixed calendar date to annually observe the occasion as a day of global ceasefire and non-violence through education and public awareness. The Inter-American Peace Forum is held each year on September 21st or on the closest business day to that date.

To celebrate the International Day of Peace, the OAS planned a series of events during Peace Week -- September 21-25, 2009 -- in commemoration of this landmark initiative to promote universal values and social practices related to ideas of respect, brotherhood, and mutual understanding, which include a keynote conference by former guerrilla hostage and vice presidential candidate Clara Rojas of Colombia (Monday, September 21); the screening of the world renowned documentary “The Day After Peace”, about the efforts of filmmaker Jeremy Gilley to establish the first ever annual day of global ceasefire and non-violence (Wednesday, September 23); a display of historic photographs from the Columbus Memorial Library that document the prominent role of the OAS and its predecessor agencies in peace efforts from 1889 to the present; a selection of some of the most important works of the Permanent Collection of the Art Museum of the Americas with a thematic connection to peace (September 21-25); a concert featuring the youth symphony orchestra “Peace Notes” made up of underprivileged children from Cali, Colombia (Friday, September 25); and Chalk4Peace, a global chalk art project which turns pavements into a blank canvas where young artists of all ages can create messages and images that materialize their visions of peace (Saturday, September 26).

See full 2009 program
Keynote Speech by Clara Rojas at the Inter-American Peace Forum 2009
Washington D.C., September 21, 2009
136K download
Speech by OAS Secretary General, José Miguel Insulza, at the Inter-American Peace Forum 2009
Washington D.C., September 21, 2009
68K download
Press Releases
At Peace Forum Clara Rojas asks Countries of the Americas to create paths for dialogue among themselves

Ex rehén de FARC: OEA debe cuestionar compras de armas de Venezuela y Brasil 96K download

Chron: Clara Rojas: Desarme es clave para lograr la paz 132K download

Clara Rojas ve "preocupante" para la paz en América Latina la compra de armas 56K download

VoaNews.com: “El trabajar por la paz es sumamente necesario” 508K download

ElTiempo.com: 'Farc, grupo autista y aislado que cree que puede vivir sin ley ni dios': Clara Rojas 404K download

Califica ex candidata colombiana a las FARC de "grupo autista" 448K download

Caribbean Net News: Clara Rojas asks countries of the Americas to create paths for dialogue 720K download

Orquesta de niños colombianos cerrará conmemoración por Día de la Paz en la OEA 85K download

Cali se Muestra Como Principal Promotora de Paz Ante el Mundo 76K download

Notas de Paz de 29 niños de Cali se escucharán en la OEA 76K download

Orquesta de niños colombianos cerrará conmemoración por Día de la Paz en la OEA 76K download

Niños de Cali en la OEA 76K download

La OEA escuchará Notas de Paz caleñas 3MB download

Notas de Esperanza 2.4MB download

Notas de Paz sonará en la OEA 1.4MB download

Notas de Paz tipo exportación 4MB download

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