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Preparatory Committee of the General Assembly

Documents for the Forty-seventh Special Session of the General Assembly -
Washington, D.C. September 12, 2014



Agenda for the Forty-seventh special session (Approved at the first plenary session, held on September 12, 2014) AG/doc.1 (XLVII-E/14) rev. 1




Schedule for the Forty-seventh special session (Approved at the first plenary session, held on September 12, 201) AG/doc.2 (XLVII-E/14) rev. 1


Order of Precedence 


Order of precedence of the Delegations (Established by lot at the Preparatory Committee meeting held on September 3, 2014) AG/doc.3 (XLVII-E/14)


Order of precedence of the Permanent Observers (Established by lot at the Preparatory Committee meeting held on September 3, 2014) AG/doc.4 (XLVII-E/14)




Report of the Preparatory Committee on the agreements reached for the Forty-seventh special session of the General Assembly AG/doc.6 (XLVII-E/14)


Report of the Secretary General on the presentation of credentials of the delegations taking part in the Forty-seventh special session of the General Assembly AG/doc.7 (XLVII-E/14)




Draft resolution Guidelines and Objectives of the Strategic Vision of the Organization of American States (Considered by the Permanent Council at its meeting held on September 10, 2014 and transmitted to the General Assembly) AG/doc.5 (XLVII-E/14)




Guidelines and Objectives of the Strategic Vision of the Organization of American States (Adopted at the plenary session held on September 12, 2014, and reviewed by the Style Committee) AG/RES. 1 (XLVII-E/14) rev. 1



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