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Twenty Seventh Meeting  of Consultation of Ministers of Foreign Affairs

Washington, D.C., August 24, 2012

Information Bulletin


Notice of Convocation

Resolutions (Approved)


Resolution of the Twenty- Seventh meeting of consultation of Ministers of Foreign Affairs (Approved at the plenary meeting held on August 24, 2012 and reviewed by the Style Committee) RC.27/RES. 1/12 rev. 3


Order of Business

24 August 2012

23 August 2012

17 August 2012

Documents (Working)


Lista de Documentos Registrados por la Secretaría hasta el 24 de agosto de 2012 RC.27/doc.1/12


Agenda (Approved at the Opening Session) RC.27/doc.2/12 rev. 1


Schedule RC.27/doc.3/12 corr. 1


Rules of procedure of the Twenty-seventh meeting of consultation of Ministers of Foreign Affairs (Adopted at the opening session, held on August 24, 2012) RC.27/doc.4/12 rev. 1


Order of precedence of the delegations (Established by lot at the Permanent Council meeting of August 20, 2012) RC.27/doc.5/12


Order of precedence of the Permanent Observers (Established by lot at the Permanent Council meeting of August 20, 2012) RC.27/doc.6/12 corr. 1


Draft resolution of the Twenty-Seventh Meeting of Consultation of Ministers of Foreign Affairs (Presented by the delegation of Ecuador) RC.27/doc.7/12 rev. 1


Participants list Provisional Version RC.27/doc.8/12 rev. 1


Documents (Informative)


Note from the Permanent Observer of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to the Organization of American States RC.27/INF. 7/12


Intervención del Señor Carlos Morales Troncoso, Canciller de la República Dominicana,  durante la sesión plenaria RC.27/INF. 8/12


Discurso pronunciado por el Ministro de Relaciones Exteriores, Comercio e Integración del Ecuador, Ricardo Patiño durante la sesión plenaria  RC.27/INF. 9/12


Intervention by Mr. Philip Barton, Permanent Observer of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to the OAS, during the plenary session of the twenty-seventh meeting of Consultation of Ministers of Foreign Affairs RC.27/INF. 10/12


Intervention by Mrs. Karin Hoglund, Permanent Observer of the Sweden to the OAS, during the plenary session of the twenty-seventh Meeting of Consultation of Ministers of Foreign Affairs RC.27/INF. 11/12


Documents General Committee





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