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 Promotion of Democracy
        ·     AG/RES. 1721 (XXX-O/00) (Resolution)

 Report of the Chair on regarding consideration of summits process-related topics and initiatives CP/CAJP-1685/00 

The Organization of American States:  Support for the implementation of democracy-related summit mandates  CP/CAJP-1692/00 

Draft work plan of the Unit for the Promotion of Democracy - 2001 CP/CAJP-1693/00 rev. 3 corr. 1

Presentation by the Acting Director of the OAS Unit for Social Development and Education CP/CAJP-1696/00

Presentation by the Director of the OAS Office of Summit Follow-up CP/CAJP-1699/00

Note from the Chair to the Chair of the Committee on Juridical and Political Affairs containing the contributions of the Working Group on the topic of democracy CP/CAJP-1705/00

Annotated agenda for the First Special Meeting of the Working Group - The issue of representation:  Political parties, electoral systems, and citizen participation" CP/CAJP-1717/00

Schedule of the First Special Meeting of the Working Group CP/CAJP-1718/00

Reports on the activities of the Unit for the Promotion of Democracy:  Frequency and procedures CP/CAJP-1736/01 corr. 1

Quarterly report on the work of the Unit for the Promotion of Democracy - third quarter, 2000 CP/CAJP-1757/01

Quarterly report on the work of the Unit for the Promotion of Democracy - fourth quarter, 2000 CP/CAJP-1759/01

Second Special Meeting - Institutional Shortcomings and Governance 

Special Meeting on institutional weaknesses and governability CP/CAJP-1786/01

Draft inventory of activities defense and promotion of representative democracy 2000-2001 CP/CAJP-1793/01

Report of the Chair of the Working Group on the topic "Inter-Parliamentary Forum of the Americas" CP/CAJP-1797/01 rev. 2

Report of the Chair on the Special Meetings held on December 5, 2000 and April 12, 2001 pursuant to operative paragraph 5.d of resolution AG/RES. 1721 (XXX-O/00), "Promotion of Democracy" CP/CAJP-1800/01 rev. 1

Draft report on the activities of the Working Group CP/CAJP-1805/01 rev. 2

Draft schedule and work program (2001-2002) (Presented by the Chair) CP/CAJP-1840/01 rev. 2

Draft Work Plan from the Unit for the Promotion of Democracy CP/CAJP-1860/02 rev. 2

Quarterly report of the General Secretariat to the OAS Permanent Council on the activities of the Unit for the Promotion of Democracy (UPD) - Third Quarter 2001 CP/CAJP-1861/02 corr. 1

Report of the Chair of the Working Group on the third quarterly report of the UPD (2001) and the draft UPD work plan (2002) CP/CAJP-1882/02 rev. 1 corr. 1

Report of the Chair of the CAJP regarding the report of the Chair of the Working Group on Representative Democracy CP/CAJP-1889/02

Draft resolution:  Promotion of democracy CAJP/GT/DR-2/02 rev. 2

Draft resolution:  Promotion of democratic culture CAJP/GT/DR-4/02 rev. 2

Quarterly report of the General Secretariat to the OAS Permanent Council on the activities of the Unit for the Promotion of Democracy (UPD) - Fourth Quarter 2001 CAJP/GT/DR-8/02

Draft resolution:  OAS Special Program of Support for Strengthening Democratic Institutions  in Guatemala CAJP/GT/DR-9/02




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