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Justice Studies Center for the Americas


Justice Studies Center for the Americas - REMJA-III/doc. 1/00

Draft ResolutionStrengthening the Activities of the Justice Studies Center of the Americas (JSCA)(Presented by the Permanent Mission of Chile) CP/CAJP-2502/07 rev. 1

Draft resolution Strengthening the Activities of the Justice Studies Center of the Americas (JSCA) (Presented by the Delegation of Chile) CP/CAJP-2637/08 rev. 1

Draft resolution Strengthening the Activities of the Justice Studies Center of the Americas (Approved by the CAJP at its meeting of May 4, 2010) CP/CAJP-2851/10 rev. 2

JSCA Report: Towards a New Strategy (Supporting document for the presentation of the JSCA Annual Report - Regular Meeting of the CAJP of April 14, 2011 at 4:30 p.m.) CP/CAJP/INF-138/11

Draft resolution Strengthening the Activities of the Justice Studies Center of the Americas (Presented by the delegation of Chile, cosponsored by the delegations of the United States and Costa Rica, and approved by the Committee at its regular meeting of May 13, 2013)  CP/CAJP 2976/11 rev. 1

Report of the Committe on Juridical and Political Affairs on the Observations and Recommendations of the Members States on the Annual Report of the Justice Studies Center of the Americas (JSCA) (The Justice Studies Center of the Americas presented its annual report to the CAJP on April 14, 2011) (CP/doc.4551/11) CP/CAJP-2990/11

Draft resolution Strengthening the Activities of the Justice Studies Center of the Americas (Presented by the Permanent Mission of Chile to the CAJP for its consideration) CP/CAJP-3064/12


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