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Joint Consultative Body of the Committee on Hemispheric Security and the Permanent Executive Committee of the Inter-American Council for Integral Development on Natural Disaster Reduction and Risk Management



Pursuant to the mandate issued by the General Assembly in resolution AG/RES. 2114 (XXXV-O/05), the Permanent Council and the Inter-American Council for Integral Development (CIDI) decided to establish a joint consultative body of the Committee on Hemispheric Security (CSH) and the Permanent Executive Committee of CIDI (CEPCIDI), on natural disaster reduction and risk management.

According to operative paragraph 4 of said resolution, the principal tasks of the joint consultative body are:

i. To work on the immediate implementation of the recommendations on systematic risk management, including risk identification, risk reduction, and risk transfer, directed to the OAS and its subsidiary bodies;

ii. To review the Statutes of Inter-American Emergency Aid Fund (FONDEM) and of the Inter-American Committee for Natural Disaster Reduction (IACNDR) and propose the amendments necessary to create a single permanent inter-American committee to address natural and other disasters and carry out the functions of the IACNDR, the Inter-American Committee for Emergency Situations (IACSE), and the Inter-American Emergency Aid Committee (IAEAC), which would be composed of the relevant organs, agencies, entities, and mechanisms of the OAS and the inter-American system;

iii. To convene in 2005, within the framework of the CSH, a meeting of the regional, subregional, and national disaster preparedness agencies, with the participation of governmental experts, subregional sector institutions, and international experts to share experiences and methods of analysis of vulnerability and risk and of the cost and benefit of investing in natural hazards mitigation, and to forward the recommendations of that meeting to the Permanent Council, CIDI, and the permanent inter-American committee; and

iv. To develop a methodology for funding specially geared towards prevention of and reconstruction and recovery in the event of natural disasters.





  • Ambassador Esteban Tomic Errázuriz, Permanent Representative of Chile and Chair of the Committee on Hemispheric Security (CSH)

  • Ambassador Gordon V. Shirley, Permanent Representative of Jamaica and Chair of the Permanent Executive Committee of the Inter-American Council for Integral Development (CEPCIDI)



Draft amended statures of the Inter-American Emergency Aid fund (FONDEM) and the Inter-American Committee on Natural Disaster Reduction (IACNDR) OCC/DN/doc.3/06 rev. 2


Draft resolution:  Adoption of the revised statutes of the Inter-American Emergency Aid Fund OCC/DN/doc.4/06 rev. 3


Draft resolution:  Adoption of the revised statutes of the Inter-American Committee on Natural Disaster Reduction OCC/DN/doc.5/06 rev. 3


Note from the Permanent Mission of Argentina forwarding a proposal for establishing a permanent natural disaster consultation team OCC/DN/doc.8/06


Draft resolution:  Natural disaster reduction and risk management OCC/DN/doc.9/06 rev.2


Order of business




16 May 2006

9 May 2006

27 April 2006

13 March 2006




12 September 2005




8 May 2006

1 May 2006



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