

ReefFix: An ICZM Coral Reef Restoration, Watershed Management and Capacity Building Demonstration Project for the Caribbean



Organization of American States
Inter-American Biodiversity Information Network (IABIN)

Barbados Workshop

April 21-22




Economic Valuation of Goods and Services Derived from Coral Reefs in the Folkestone Park and Marine Service


The Folkestone Park and Marine Reserve (FPMR) lies on the sheltered west coast of the island in the parish of St. James, spanning the settlement of Holetown (Figure 2). It is situated approximately 10km north of Bridgetown and comprises of two major sections, a terrestrial park (0.019 km2) and a marine reserve (2.1 km2). The marine reserve stretches along 2.2 km of the West Coast with key marine ecosystems such as coral reefs and mangrove lagoons. The reserve represents only 11% of this coastline and is the only marine protected area in Barbados. The National Conservation Commission manages the area which is heavily used by multiple stakeholders (particularly by tourists) and as a result is divided into 4 major zones under the Marine Areas (Preservation & Enhancement) Act CAP 232A, is divided into four (4) zones:

-Scientific Zone e.g - Marine Research and Educational Purposes.

-Northern Watersports Zone e.g. - water skiing, jet skiing, para-sailing etc.

-Recreational Zone e.g. - snorkeling, swimming etc.

-Southern Watersports Zone e.g. - water skiing, jet skiing, para-sailing etc.

In this project, for the Barbados component, the Folkestone Marine Reserve has been selected as the case study site and data have been analyzed to estimate the approximate economic contribution that the Folkestone marine environment provides to the country. This serves primarily as a demonstration exercise which will introduce the economic valuation techniques to local resource managers for them to apply in the future. It is already estimated that the Folkestone reefs and coastal habitat may be contributing well over US$30 million a year in revenue for the economy. In this opportunity a group of specialist in the field and partners gathered to accomplish the following objectives:


·        Introduce local resource managers to the OAS IABIN ReefFix (and associated projects).

·        Present the results for the economic evaluation exercise of the Folkestone Marine Reserve.

·        Train participants in the use of the economic valuation methodologies

·      Conduct a field trip to the case study site to observe and discuss relevant coastal zone management issues.

·        Promote linkages and communication between local agencies.

Participants on the field trip in front of the Holetown Mangrove Lagoon within the Folkestone Marine Reserve, Barbados, April 21-22, 2010.

Opening remarks from Permanent Secretary Weekes,

Ministry of the Environment Water Resources and Drainage





Mr. Nicholas Fields (Barbados Marine Trust)

REEF BALL GARDENS: Enhancing our environment…and providing green jobs for our people.

Dr. Mark A. Thomas (Bellairs Research Institute)

The Caribbean Reef Education and Training Initiative
John Nicholls (Manager, Folkestone Park and Marine Reserve, National Conservation Commission)
Folkestone community Based Coral Reef Monitoring and Management
Folkestone Marine Reserve & Marine Museum
Dr. Robert Bonnell and Dr Pierre Dutilleul (Marko Tosic, MSc) Environmental Impacts of Runoff on the Bellairs Fringing Reef, Barbados
Ms. Davina Layne (The Barbados Hotel and Tourism Association) Marine Activities Report
Mr. Chris Parker (The Barbados Fisheries Division)

The Barbados Fisheries Division, Ministry of Agriculture

Dr. Leo Brewster (CZMU, Marine Related Activities of the Coastal Zone Management Unit) Marine Related Activities of the Coastal Zone Management Unit.
Mr. David Gill (Marine Database Specialist) ReefFix Valuation of the Economic Benefits of Marine Ecosystems. Results from the Folkestone Park & Marine Reserve

Katherine Blackman (CERMES)

CERMES Marine Activities

Richard Huber (Organization of   American States)

ReefFix Valuation of the Economic Benefits of Marine Ecosystems.

Related Links and Documents:

 Barbados ReefFix Exercise (Draft Report)

 Press Release






This page was last updated on Wednesday May 05, 2010.