Universidade Federal de Pernambuco- Centro de Ciencias biologicas


Agreement click here          Proposal click here


Thematic Network:




1.      Summary

The Entomological Collection of the Federal University of Pernambuco, among other insects, contains a thematic collection of about 40,000 insect pollinators. The collection is representative for the diversity of pollinators of the region and contains butterflies, hawkmoths, antophilous, beetles and bees. The objective of this project is to digitalize, georeferenciate and to make freely available, data on approximately 15,000 records of insects of the Entomological Collection of the UFPE. This information can be used for management plans, conservation of these animals and biogeographic studies. A postgraduate student familiar with the insects in question will be requested for inclusion of the data, assuring the quality of the provided data. All Darwin Core obligatory fields will be filled out besides 24 additional fields including information on the specimens. The cost effort of the project is U$ 0.66 for one record.


2.      Period

June 16, 2009 - December 1, 2010

3.      Contribution (GS/OAS)

$ 9,980

4.      State

In progress

5.      Principal researcher

Prof. Clemens Schlindwein


Progress report: click here
Final report:



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This page was last updated on Friday February 18, 2011.