Universidad Agraria la Molina 

Agreement    Proposal    


Thematic Network:






1.      Summary:

The Conservation Data Center of the Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina (CDC-UNALM) has been gathering information about species records in Peru for more than twenty five years. Until today, we have collected more than 41 600 species records. Each record contains information of the observed species, where and when it was reported (including accuracy), the bibliographical source, among other data. This information is the result of the bibliographic review and of our own field investigation. The aim is to transfer all information related to species reports to a new database (PostgreSQL) and to publish it on a web site, by means of a web server, following IABIN standards. This process will also help to promote the information exchange between Peruvian researchers. Likewise, we aim to improve the actual conditions to actualize the database and to incorporate new records.

2.      Period:

6 months (September 22, 2008 - March 22, 2009)

3.      Amount:

$9.700 USD

4.      State:


5.      Coordinator:

Mg. Sc. Pedro Vásquez Ruesta   , Ing Wilfredo Lévano Carnero  



First report: click here

Final report: click here







This page was last updated on Monday January 31, 2011.