Caribbean Hazard Mitigation Capacity Building Programme (CHAMP)

The project is seeking to enhance the capacity of the Caribbean Region in reducing vulnerability to the effects of natural hazards, through the development of national hazard mitigation policies and plans (HMPP), the promotion of hazard mapping and vulnerability Assessment (HAZMA) generated information as decision-making support to hazard mitigation interventions, and by   promoting safer building practices in the informal building sector through training and certification. CHAMP activities are being carried out in four pilot states : Belize, British Virgin Islands, Grenada and St. Lucia, and is being implemented by the Caribbean Disaster Emergency Response Agency (CDERA), with funding from the Canadian International Development Agency  (CIDA), and executed by  the Organization of American States,  Department of Sustainable Development (OAS/DSD).


Project Documents





This page was last updated on Thursday October 04, 2012.