The objective of the DSD/OAS and its Risk Management and Adaptation to Climate Change Section (RISK-MACC) is to support the priorities of the OAS Member States in adapting to and managing the risk associated to natural hazards by providing them with technical and policy recommendations related to Risk Management and Adaptation to Climate Change with the purpose of mainstreaming Risk Management into development policy and planning.

 Scope and levels of intervention

The DSD carries out its mandates and directives in natural disaster risk reduction, through three very distinctive levels of intervention. The first level is that of project execution for developing “good” practices and addressing pressing issues in critical areas. More...


Programmatic Approach

The activities undertaken at the three levels of intervention are guided by the following principles: (i) reducing vulnerability; (ii) preventing and preparing for; (iii) creating conditions for timely and effective humanitarian assistance. More...


Mandates and directives


Mandates and directives of RISK-MACC emerge from the Summit of the Americas Process –declarations and initiatives for action, and the General Assembly’s resolutions.  More..


Learning from past experience


The last two decades have produced some powerful lessons. More lives and personal property will be saved, if even modest investments are made in reducing vulnerabilities to natural hazards and preventing natural disasters.  More...

Our team


Pablo González ,Chief,

Natural Hazard Risk Reduction

and Coordinator for Central America (INDM co-Chair)


Rosa Trejo, Specialist,

Natural Hazard Risk Reduction



Caribbean Division



Latest News

April 14 to 16, 2010, Santa Marta, Colombia. Hemispheric Meeting on National Mechanism and Networks for Disaster Risk Reduction More...

International Experts and Authorities will meet in Panama to discuss Disaster Risk Reduction and Development. Press release


Experts from inter-governmental organizations of the Inter-American and UN Systems meet to discuss preparations for the 1st Session of the Hyogo Framework for Action (HFA) Regional Platform of the Americas. More…


 The DSD participated in the panel of the event “Migration and Disasters Situations”. More..





 OAS-IFRC Americas Forum on International Disaster Response, Laws, Rules and Principles.  More


Cooperation Agreement between the OAS and the UN/ISDR


Natural Disaster Reduction, Risk Management, and Assistance in Natural and other Disaster Situations


Report on the Implementation of the Hyogo Framework for Action: Latin America and the Caribbean:


Law of Disasters: Towards a Normative Framework in the Americas


Report of the Americas Forum on International Disaster Response Laws, Rules and Principles (IDRL.


1March 17, 2009. Panama. Panama. 1st Session of the Regional Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction in the Americas

February 18-19, 2009. Managua, Nicaragua. I Regional Workshop for the Validation of a Preliminary “online” Inventory of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) applied to Natural Disaster Mitigation. More..

Contact us

Pablo González, Chief, Natural Hazard Risk Reduction


Rosa Trejo, Specialist, Natural Hazard Risk Reduction





This page was last updated on Tuesday June 28, 2011.