Development of a hemispheric network including public and private actors

activity, DSD established a Regional Network for the Sound Management of Chemicals (SMOC), identifying through investigation and consultation with the countries, the principal actors at the national level in the field of SMOC. The network is formed by the National Coordinators for the CIDA/OAS project, selected officially by the ministries involved in the theme, and the Focal Points for the Stockholm Convention. The National Coordinators act as liaison to the project and ease the recompilation of information and exchange with the OAS and among countries.

Up to July, 2007, 26 countries had selected a National Coordinator.

The Network is complemented by the list of Focal Points for the Stockholm Convention, by the National Focal Points responsible for the National Implementation Plan (NIP) for the Stockholm Convention, by officials and authorities of governmental institutions and technical experts of institutions and the academia, for each country in the region. Finally there is a list of NGOs that work in the field of chemical security, with emphasis in gender implications, plus a list of regional experts in mercury contamination, based on the Global Mercury Assessment.

Based on a thorough investigation of the developed initiatives related to the management of chemicals at the regional and international level, an analysis of the needs in the region was made in order to identify the priority areas and initiatives that could be supported by the DSD/OAS. Among the conclusions, the lack or few information and practical orientation of the economic incidence of the management of chemical products in poverty was identified. Current and future activities of the project will address this topic.















This page was last updated on Wednesday September 29, 2010.