Policy Dialogue on “Promoting Environmental Sustainability in the Americas”

Washington DC

February 17, 2009

On February 17, 2009, at the Hall of the Americas, under the auspices of the Summits of the Americas Secretariat and the Department of Sustainable Development, a panel of High Level experts met to  discuss policy perspectives on Environmental Sustainability for consideration in the negotiation process of the next Summit.

Participating Experts include Senator Elizabeth Thompson former Minister of Environment of Barbados and recipient of the UNEP “The Champion of the Earth Award 2008”, Professor David Hunter, Director of the Program on International and Comparative Environmental Law at American University, Washington College of Law, Dr. Cassandra Rogers, Senior Natural Disasters Specialist of the Inter-American Development Bank and Dr. Bruno Pagnoccheshi, Director of the Brazilian National Water Agency, and Jake Werksman, Director of Institutions and Governance, World Resources Institute.

Mr. Cletus Springer, Director of the Department of Sustainable Development,  was the Chair for this panel that  focused the discussions on Environmental Governance and the current challenges faced by member States in the area of sustainable Development and Environment.

The dialogue was open to the public and webcast via the OAS website.  Representatives from governments, non-governmental organizations, academia, and think-tanks participated in this panel.  

The results of this policy dialogue will be consolidated into a policy brief for the consideration of OAS Member States and other Summit stakeholders as part of the process of negotiation of the Declaration of Commitment of Port of Spain--the primary document of the Fifth Summit, which will be signed by the Heads of State of the democratically-elected countries of the Americas in April 2009.










This page was last updated on Wednesday February 18, 2009.