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First Meeting of the Latin American Sustainable Energy Policy Initiative
Montevideo, Uruguay, September 28, 2006

Click here to access the initiative's website

The REEEP Regional Secretariat for Latin America and the Caribbean Region, hosted by the Department of Sustainable Development of the Organization of American States, will hold the First Meeting of the Latin American Sustainable Energy Policy Initiative. The meeting will take place in Montevideo, Uruguay, on September 28, 2006 in conjunction with the Ministerial Meeting on Energy Security in the Latin American Region. The purpose is to establish the Initiative’s priorities and objectives.

The goal of the Latin American Sustainable Energy Policy Initiative is to advance the development and implementation of effective, sustainable energy policies and regulations in the LAC region, focusing on renewable energy and energy efficiency. The objectives of the Initiative are fourfold:

  • To track, document, and routinely update renewable energy and energy efficiency policies and regulations in each LAC country.

  • To determine best practices for policy and regulatory reform in the region.

  • To provide a reference base for renewable energy and energy efficiency policies and regulatory measures occurring in other countries worldwide (outside LAC), and their impact.

  • To identify and educate key stakeholders critical to bringing about a significant change in the policy/regulatory environment in LAC countries.

Senior officials from participating countries and from the Latin American Energy Organization (OLADE) will work closely with the LAC Regional Secretariat in implementing the Initiative. Planned activities include: policy and regulatory research; intra-regional policymaker exchanges and missions; policymaker meetings and workshop; consultation with energy sector lawyers and legislative drafters; and development of specific reform recommendations.

For additional information on the Initiative, contact Mark Lambrides at the Department of Sustainable Development of the Organization of American States, +1.202.458.6261 or [email protected].

Click here to access the initiative's website.

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