Registering for the 37th MOAS for High Schools

Register online:
Participants in the MOAS attend as representatives of their academic institutions. Consequently, an authority from each academic institution must prepare a letter to be uploaded on the registration form with written information about the Faculty Advisor and the students that will comprise that institution’s delegation.  Sample of letter. To access the online registration form, you need to register in the OAS platform. Then with your username and password, you will be able to access the online registration form. It is not mandatory to have a defined list of delegation members at the moment of registration.  The deadline for registration is October  10th, 2018. However, the registration process may end earlier if the 34 OAS Member States has already been assigned prior to that date. Payments received after all places have been filled will be returned. Convocation letter | Registration to-do list | FAQ  


Form a delegation:
A delegation may be composed of 10 delegates ((5) head delegates and five (5) alternate delegates), at least one faculty advisor, and one additional member as Public Information Officer (optional). Each delegation represents one of the 34 OAS Member States. Schools are allowed to bring an additional delegation. Faculty Advisors select the students that will comprise the delegation/s, with enough time in advance to allow proper preparation for the Model.  Students enrolled in academic areas related to Inter-American affairs or similar, and those who may benefit from participating in the MOAS are usually selected by their school authorities/Faculty Advisors.


Registration fee:
The participation fee per delegation is US$1,200.00 and includes online access to the MOAS Tutorial. This fee is non-reimbursable. As soon as all registration information and fee are received, high schools will be informed of their respective country assignments. Make your check payable to "Model OAS General Assembly" and mail it to Victoria Abalo, MOAS Coordinator, to the following address:
17 Street and Constitution Ave. N.W. Office MNB-B-124 Washington, D.C. 20006.If you or your school will be transferring the funds electronically, please check the Instructions for bank transfer.


28th MOAS for High Schools Country assignment:
As soon as registration information and fee are received, the MOAS Coordinator informs high school authorities/faculty advisors of their respective country assignments.  Each of the 34 OAS Member States is represented by a delegation of 10 students.  Countries are assigned by the MOAS Coordinator in a geographical rotational manner; therefore, if a school/university represented a South American country one year, the next year it will represent a Caribbean, Central American or North American country.  Delegations participating for the first time may attend the Model representing any of the Permanent Observer countries at the OAS. 


Code of Conduct:
The Model OAS General Assembly (MOAS) seeks to promote a strong sense of scholarship and leadership, as well as a commitment to the principles of honesty, fairness, respect and accountability. Participants shall commit to uphold these principles in all MOAS activities, and to promote a culture of integrity and respect for diversity.  The MOAS Code of Conduct  must be signed by both the advisor(s) and the students. It is included on the online registration form. It needs to be printed, signed and uploaded in the registration form.


28th MOAS for High Schools Logistics, visa and other requirements:
Coordinate all budgetary aspects and logistics necessary for participation (travel insurance, airfare, hotel reservations, transportation, meals, appropriate clothing (according to the Code of Conduct), etc. If a visa is required to enter into the United States, an email must be sent to the MOAS Coordinator asking for a letter certifying the school’s participation in the Model to be presented at the US Consulate. 

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