CIDI Resolutions - 2016

CIDI/RES.316/16: Authorization of the use of the Capital Fund for the OAS Scholarship and Training Programs to meet scholarship commitments and establishment of a partial temporary pause (Approved at the meeting held December 13, 2016)
                                    Español  - English - Français - Português

CIDI/RES.315/16: Convocation of the XIX Inter-American Congress of Ministers and High-Level Authorities of Tourism (Approved at the meeting held December 13, 2016)
                                    Español  - English - Français - Português

CIDI/RES.314/16: Convocation of the Second Specialized CIDI Meeting of High-Level Cooperation Authorities (Approved at the LXI regular meeting, held August 30, 2016)
                                    Español  - English - Français - Português

CIDI/RES.313/16: Support to the Work of the Fifth Regular Meeting of the Inter-American Committee for Sustainable Development  (Adopted at the LIX regular meeting, held on May 17, 2016)  
                                    Español  - English - Français - Português

CIDI/RES.312/16: Convocation of the Fifth Regular Meeting of the Inter-American Committee for Sustainable Development (Adopted at the LVIII regular meeting, held on May 12, 2016)  
                                    Español  - English - Français - Português

CIDI/RES.311/16: Convocation of the Ninth Inter-American Meeting of Ministers of Education in the Framework of  CIDI  (Agreed upon at the 57th  regular Meeting, held on April 19, 2016)
                                    Español  - English - Français - Português

CIDI/RES.310/16: Change of Date of the Seventh Meeting of Ministers and High-Level Authorities on Culture  in the Framework of CIDI  (Agreed upon at the 57th  regular Meeting, held on April 19, 2016)
                                    Español  - English - Français - Português

CIDI/RES.309/16: Autorization for the use of the Capital Fund for the OAS Scholarship and Training Programs to meet Fellowship commitmets  (Adopted at the fourth special meeting of  CIDI, held on February 18, 2016)
                                    Español  - English - Français - Português

CIDI/RES.308/16 : Convocation of the Tenth Regular Meeting of the Inter-American Committee on Ports  (Adopted at the  LV regular meeting of CIDI, held on January 28, 2016)
                                    Español  - English - Français - Português

CIDI/RES.307/16 : Convocation of the Seventh Regular Meeting on Education (Adopted at the  LV regular meeting of CIDI, held on January 28,  2016)
                                    Español  - English - Français - Português

CIDI/RES.306/16: Convocation of the Seventh Meeting of Ministers and High-Level Authorities on Culture (Adopted at the  LV regular meeting of CIDI, held on January 28, 2016)
                                    Español  - English - Français - Português