Electronic Bulletin / Number 4 - October, 2004

Versión Español

Updated version of the Blue Book on Telecommunication Policies for the Americas  

As part of the process of updating the Blue Book entitled “Telecommunication Policies of the Americas,” a meeting of the Drafting Group was held In Buenos Aires, Argentina, September 29 to October 1, 2004, to write and adopt the new version. Taking part in the meeting were delegates of Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Dominican Republic, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Paraguay, Peru, and Venezuela. Also taking part were representatives of the Inter-American Telecommunication Commission (CITEL) and the International Telecommunication Union (ITU).

The meeting was inaugurated by the Secretary of Communications of the Republic of Argentina, Mr. Guillermo Moreno. Immediately thereafter, the drafting group set about its work.

Through CITEL and thanks to the facilities provided by the Administration of Argentina, administrations unable to attend had an opportunity to take part in a teleconference with those present at the meeting. Thus, on the second day of the meeting, teleconferences were held with the administrations of Canada and the United States.

After much extensive and fruitful debate, the administrations attending the meeting adopted the Third Draft of the Blue Book, which reflects the outcomes of the participants’ work and places in square brackets wording for which no consensus was reached among the participants, or which needs improving.

This draft sought to echo the different points of view held by countries with respect to their experience of developing the telecommunications sector, together with the principal policies being implemented. It also reflects the impact on the sector of the convergence of services generated by new technology.

With the help of the CITEL Secretariat, the Coordinator will align the texts.

The Third Draft will be forwarded to the Administrations to enable those that were unable to participate to make comments and observations by no later than November 5, 2004.

It is very important that countries actively participate in the review of this draft and send their comments and contributions for inclusion in the final version.

We know that some administrations are busy working on their contributions to certain chapters, which they will be sending to us and which will then be incorporated.

It was agreed that the Group would meet again on November 29, 2004, with a view to including any comments that might arise regarding the Third Draft and then presenting the revised version at the next meeting of COM/CITEL.

Based on the agreements reached at recent meetings, the Blue Book will be structured as follows:

  1. Introduction

  2. Impact of telecommunications on economic growth with equity

  3. Role of the different countries

  4. Role of the private sector

  5. Technological development

  6. Regulation and deregulation

  7. Administrative procedures

  8. Granting and renewal of permits

  9. Internet and IP service

  10. Trade in telecommunication services and equipment

  11. Connectivity Agenda and Information Society Strategies

  12. Network security and critical telecommunication systems

Rodrigo Robles
Coordinator for the Update of the Blue Book
E-Mail: [email protected]

Additional Information: The meeting for the editorial revision of the updated text of the Blue Book will take place November 29, 2004, in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Please see CITEL web page for more information.


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Organization of American States.
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