Electronic Bulletin / Number 4 - October, 2004

Versión Español

Training Seminar: First Area Meeting of Infocenter Operators

The digital agenda, the outlook for the National Digital Literacy Campaign, and e-government were the principal topics of the First Area Meeting of Infocenter Operators of the Central Zone, organized by the National Infocenter Network and sponsored by the Under Secretariat for Telecommunications and the Mining Council. The meeting was held on Thursday, October 14, 2004.

The purpose of the Area Meeting was to become familiar with and take advantage of the experience of infocenter and network operators, to share knowledge and good practices, and to disseminate information on services and opportunities available in Internet-access centers, according to their specific characteristics, target population, location, etc.

The Meeting was being held in the Extension Center of the Catholic University of Chile. Representatives from regions V, VI, and VII and from the Metropolitan Region are participating, with a total thus far of over 130 operators who work and take part in various public and private initiatives comprising the National InfoCenter Network (www.infocentros.gob.cl), among them library networks (Biblioredes), community access links, the Sercotec and Fosis micro- and small business InfoCenter network, the INJUV InfoCenter network, and the Telecommunications Development Fund telecenters.

Discussions with individuals involved in information and communication technologies in the Central Zone, especially infocenter operators, was critical to improving management of the National Infocenter Network and to meeting a significant portion of the goals of Chile’s Digital Agenda.


Under Secretariat for Telecommunications


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