Electronic Bulletin / Number 4 - October, 2004

Versión Español

Telecommunication Sector Regulation

Generally, every country of the Region of the Americas has legislation to regulate telecommunication services and their infrastructure ownership, and regulating or administrative systems for the enforcement of this legislation. It is necessary to formally modify this legal framework if significant changes are to be introduced into the telecommunication sector fabric, as it has been the case in many countries of the Region. The global notion of a new legislation regarding telecommunications must aim at promoting sector development and public interest safeguard.

The development in the telecommunication sector accomplished in some countries is the outcome of decisions taken, as part of national policies, by States, Operators, and technology and users sector. Solutions implemented by some countries in order to meet telecommunications needs have led to the availability of telecommunication services and networks, being these solutions the set of policies, objectives and goals concerned with national development, which together with larger legal, economic and operative technical notions, at the national or international level, make up the Regulations for the Telecommunications Sector.

Due to the significance of this issue, the International Telecommunications Union (ITU) together with the Excellence Centre for the America’s Region through the excellence network node and the CITEL Regional Training Centre: National Telecommunication Research and Training Institute of Peru (INICTEL) offers the international course named: “Telecommunication Sector Regulations” aimed at directors, managers, decision-makers and those responsible for the arrangements at the regulatory level. The aim is to offer a wide vision of the main technical, economic and legal features which embrace the implementation of telecommunications related activities. Therefore, in this environment, players will have the opportunity to analyse the rationale of regulations and the evolution of rules aiming at the introduction of appropriate and efficient regulatory changes according to the countries’ scenarios.

The issues to be addressed in the course scheduled for March 2005 will be, among other: “Telecommunication Basic Principles”, “Telecommunication Business Regulation”, “Policies for an Efficient Competition”, “Policies concerning Essential Infrastructure and Resources Sharing in the Telecommunication Sector”, “Public Telecommunication Services Interconnection”, “Rates” and “Impact of the Technological Evolution on Telecommunication Regulations”.

Eduardo Mendoza
Training Director
E-Mail: [email protected]

Additional Information: CITEL/OAS will provide fellowships of full tuition costs for enrollment in this distance learning course. This course is offered through the  ITU Center of Excellence for the Americas platform.

For more information please visit the CITEL fellowships web page.


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Organization of American States.
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