Electronic Bulletin / Number 14 - August, 2005

Versión Español

Workshop on "International Telecommunications Regulations"

During the next Meeting of the Permanent Consultative Committee I: Telecommunication Standardization (PCC.I) to be held in Washington, DC, USA, September 20 to 23, 2005, will take place the Workshop on "International Telecommunications Regulations" (ITRs) the afternoon from 21 September, 2005.

In this Workshop it will be possible to have the valuable participation of Mrs. Salma Jalife, Commissioner of the Comisión Federal de Telecomunicaciones (COFETEL) and Mr. Herb Marks, Senior Advisor of Squire, Sanders & Dempsey L.L.P.

There will br the opportunity to review and analyze, among others, the following topics:

  • Context and Scope of the ITRs

  • Legal Status

  • Entities subject to the application of ITRs.

  • Impact of the ITRs in the present operation of the international networks.

This is done within the framework of the activities of the PCC.I Working Group on Preparations for the World Conference on International Telecommunications (WG-WCIT). This WG is carrying out a process of revision and study of the ITRs, in order to present inter-American positions, common positions or contributions in the regional and international forums related with the celebration of the WCIT.

Mr. Fernando Carrillo
Chairman of the WG-WCIT
e-mail: [email protected]

Additional Information: The Workshop on "International Telecommunications Regulations" (ITRs) will take place on September 21, 2005 in Washington, DC, United States of America . Plaese find attached the agenda for this workshop.


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