Electronic Bulletin / Number 22 - April, 2006

Versión Español

VII Meeting of the Permanent Consultative Committee II, Radiocommunications including Broadcasting

The VII Meeting of Permanent Consultative Committee II, Radiocommunications including Broadcasting, will be held in Lima, Peru, June 20 to 23, 2006.

There are several relevant subjects that will be considered, particularly we draw attention to:

  • Preparation of CITEL for the WRC-07.

  • Radio frequency identification devices (RFID).

  • Broadband Power Line Communications (BPL).

  • Refarming of 700 MHz band.

  • General guidelines for licensing global mobile personal communications system networks (GMPCS).

  • Considerations on the authorization of broadband communication services by networks of the aeronautical mobile-satellite service (AMSS).

  • Procedures to be followed for authorization of earth stations on board vessels (ESV).

  • Implementation of Digital Terrestrial TV.

We particularly highlight that on June 19, 2006, will be held the Workshop on Technical and Regulatory Aspects related to the Effects of Electromagnetic Non-Ionizing Emissions in order to share information. This subject is of much impact given the continual evolution of the technologies used in wireless communications, the need to install antennas and their associated elements has increased, especially in densely populated areas; and that the population in general has expressed concern about the possible effects of those emissions.

This Workshop will allow telecommunication and broadcasting authorities to be properly informed about relevant aspects with respect to non-ionizing radio-frequency emissions and this allow them to take the necessary decisions.

To participate in this Workshop, please complete the specific form attached. Further information and the detailed agenda of this event will be sent in a separate communication.

The objective and mandates of PCC.II, as approved by the IV Regular Meeting of the the Assembly of CITEL are:


The objective of this Permanent Consultative Committee is to serve as a technical advisory body within the Inter-American Telecommunication Commission with respect to the coordination and harmonization of standards related to spectrum use and the planning and efficient use of the radio spectrum and satellite orbits for radio services, including broadcasting

To implement this objective, Permanent Consultative Committee II has the following mandates:


In accordance with the ITU Radio Regulations and taking account of the ITU recommendations:

a) To promote among Member States harmonization in the utilization of the radio frequency spectrum and the operation of radiocommunication services, including broadcasting, in all their different modalities, bearing especially in mind the need to prevent and avoid, to the extent possible, harmful interference.

b) To stimulate and foster the development of radiocommunication services, including broadcasting, in the region.

c) To promote the development and implementation of modern technologies and new radiocommunication services, including broadcasting, specifically their technical and operational aspects, to meet the needs of Member States.

d) To undertake the coordination of regional preparations for ITU World and Regional Radiocommunication Conferences, including the preparation of Inter-American Proposals (IAPs) and common positions, as well as to undertake inter-regional consultations in preparation for these conferences.

e) To undertake a coordinated effort with the different CITEL Groups in those areas that, by their very nature, lend themselves to joint action.

f) To undertake the coordination and harmonization of standards related to spectrum use such as over-the-air broadcasting and common air-interfaces for radiocommunication services.



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Organization of American States.
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