Boletín electrónico / Número 51 - Septiembre, 2008

English Version

Protección de la infraestructura crítica de telecomunicaciones en Brasil: aplicación de MI²C en Brazil

El modelo de protección de la infraestructura crítica de telecomunicaciones que fue presentado en un número anterior de info@CITEL se implementa por medio de un conjunto de cinco metodologías. Aunque cada metodología es responsable por una parte específica del modelo, son interdependientes, dado que la salida de uno es la entrada de otro.

Nota del editor: Este artículo sólo se encuentra en español.

Methodology for Critical Infrastructure Identification – MI2C[1]

The critical telecommunications infrastructure protection model - previous presented in info@CITEL [1] - is implemented by a set of five methodologies. Although each methodology is responsible for a specific part of the model, they are interdependent, since the output of one is the input of another.

Herein the application of MI2C will be presented, this methodology has been defined with eight phases (see Fig. 1):

·               Phase 1: Telecommunications services identification;

·               Phase 2: Definition of aspects for service evaluation;

·               Phase 3: Definition of aspect criticality levels;

·               Phase 4: Definition of the aspect weights;

·               Phase 5: Analysis of service criticality levels;

·               Phase 6: Mapping of critical telecommunications services;

·               Phase 7: Identification of telecommunications network infrastructure;

·               Phase 8: Mapping of critical telecommunications infrastructure.

Fig. 1. MI2C phases

Application of MI2C

In the year 2007, the MI2C was firstly used to define the critical portion of the telecom infrastructure in the scope of the XV Pan American and the Parapan American Games (Pan/Parapan 2007) that were held in Rio de Janeiro in July and August 2007.

Now, in this second application the scope is the Brazil as a whole that is the focus of this work.

Phase 1 – Telecommunications services identification

Description: The main objective here is to identify each and every telecommunications service, considering the scope of the application.

Application: An internal group was created to work in a project, where the objective is the participation in multidisciplinary group discussions to identify all of the telecommunications services (and the correspondent service providers). The main source of information is the Law 9472/97 (General Telecommunications Law) [2].

Phase 2 – Definition of aspects for service evaluation

Description: The aspects that will be used to evaluate the services identified in Phase 1 are based on three distinct areas of interest: service users, society and the State; some of them are quantitative while the others are qualitative.

Application: Meetings were held with Anatel, CPqD, researchers, telecommunications specialists, information security specialists and professors, amongst others, to identify the relevant aspects. Table 1 illustrates the results from this phase.

Table 1. Relevant aspects to be analyzed.



Phase 3 – Definition of aspect criticality levels

Description: In this phase, the level of criticality (qualitative and quantitative) for each aspect is defined to allow the analyses of every service defined in Phase 1. These levels of criticality should reflect the influence of the telecommunications services for each aspect. There are several ways to proceed with this definition, from a simple and generic classification (using 3 levels: high, medium and low), to more complex classifications (using n levels, where n is odd) if a greater granularity is required.

Application: This analysis was performed during multidisciplinary discussion group meetings with participants from Anatel, researchers, telecommunications specialists and, information security specialists, amongst others. Three levels of criticality were defined: “High”, “Medium” and “Low” (see Table 2).

Table 2. Levels of criticality for the different aspects considered.


Phase 4 – Definition of aspect weights

Description: In this phase the different scenarios that can take place in a particular country are mapped. Using aspects weighting it is possible to map not only the real situation of the country, but also exercise hypothetical scenarios as well; i.e. it is possible to establish different scenarios by simply adjusting the aspects weighting.

Application: A group of specialists and analysts held meetings to assign the aspects weightings. Since there are no extraordinary events taking place in Brazil, the weights were set to “1” for all aspects (see Table 3).

 Table 3. Definition of the weightings used to create scenarios.


Phase 5 – Analysis of service criticality levels

Description: This phase is responsible for analyzing the level of criticality for each telecommunication service with respect to each aspect.

Application: This analysis was done by multidisciplinary discussion groups in workshops. Some simple examples of questions that were discussed are shown below: • Safety and health aspects: How does the telecommunication service under analysis influence the health and safety aspect? • How critical is the service analyzed in the perspective of this aspect? • Does this service contribute to, assist or facilitate this aspect?

These simple questions were asked for each telecommunication service identified in Phase 1. All the services were analyzed from the perspective of each aspect (see Table 4). This is one of the most time consuming phases of the methodology.

Table 4. Analysis of criticality.



Phase 6 – Mapping of the critical telecommunications services

Description: The main objective of this phase is to convert the qualitative values to quantitative ones in order to prioritize the telecommunication services. The method of calculation employed can be a simple arithmetic average or Analytical Hierarchy Process-AHP methodology, or other one method that attains the desired objective.

Application: At this sample application, High, Medium and Low were mapped to the values 1, 2 and 3. Subsequently the calculation was performed and the ranking was defined based on the average. The results are shown in Table 5.

Table 5. Classification of level of criticality.

Phase 7 – Identification of telecommunications network infrastructure

Description: Identification of the telecommunications network infrastructure used by critical services.

Application: Through workshops, meetings, work sheets, and with the support of the Brazilian telecom operators, the telecommunications network infrastructure was identified. The integration between different types of networks, such fixed and mobile services, must be considered in this phase.

To analyze the answers, a semi-quantitative approach was used, identifying information such as points that concentrate traffic and functionalities, long distance strategic traffic routing and infrastructure sharing, etc.

To support the application of methodology software has been developed.

Almost 80 types of evaluation criteria were grouped into 5 categories: Location and Infrastructure (including electrical power), Transmission, Switching type 1, Switching type 2 and Switching type 3. Table 6 illustrates a sample of the criteria for each category.

Table 6. Criteria per category.

Adopting this approach (categories vs. criteria) serves a twofold objective: a) to minimize the presence of mistakes due to answer interpretation (its can happen because of all the answers was get via telecommunication operators) and b) to minimize the number of criteria comparisons.

Phase 8 – Mapping of critical telecommunications infrastructure

Description: In this phase the network infrastructure used by each and every critical service is mapped in order to define the critical telecommunications infrastructure. Performing this phase also requires an in-depth knowledge of the telecommunications field and the relevant equipment that supports the services. The required information was obtained through workshops, questionnaires and study groups that included telecommunications specialists and the people responsible for the critical service that is being analyzed. In this phase the level of granularity can be adjusted according to one’s needs. The critical network infrastructure found can be detailed at a high level (e.g. building level) or a low-level (e.g. board level). Either way, all critical services should always be included in the critical infrastructure.

Application: The first step of is to attribute weights for each category in the model formulated in the previous phase. Fig. 2 shows the natural top-down approach for prioritizing the categories by importance: the base of the pyramid (infrastructure) has the highest weighting since, if it fails, all the categories above it will also fail. The weights and normalization factors adopted for each category are presented in Table 7. The normalization factor was introduced into the model to eliminate the distortion caused by different categories having different numbers of criteria.

Fig. 2. Top-down approach to prioritize the categories.

Table 7. Weights and normalization factor per category.

To obtain the final scores, needed for the prioritization of the sites, the following formula was used:



PS= Final score of the site
K = Number of categories
C = Number of criteria in category
N = Score attributed for the criteria j of category i
alfa = Normalization factor used for category i


Table 8 shows (for example) the 10 (ten) highest ranked stations among all stations analyzed. This information allows a more efficient resource allocation for infrastructure protection. For security reasons, the real names of stations and telecommunication provider have been omitted. Table 8. Top ten stations ranked.


The importance of critical telecommunication infrastructure identification cannot be underestimated, since is the first step to an effective infrastructure protection program. For this reason, it is important to use a systematic approach – like the one embodied in MI²C – to correctly identify the most critical parts of the telecommunication infrastructure. This article has presented the application of the Methodology for Critical Infrastructure Identification (MI2C) in the scope of Brazil.


Regina Maria De Felice Souza


Sérgio Luís Ribeiro


Christiane Maria da Silva Cuculo




Información adicional: Reference: Document CCP.I-TEL/doc. 1448/08 rev.1


[1] It is important to note that MI2C, with the appropriate changes, can be used to identity any other critical infrastructure such as water, energy, transportation, health, etc.


1.     Critical telecommunication infrastructure protection project, info@CITEL, March 2007 issue.

2.     General Telecommunications Law  9472/97

3.     Bibliography

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j.      Gow, Gordon A. A Case Study on Strategic Interventions in Public Safety Telecommunications. Ashgate Publishinh Limited, UK (2005).


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