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OAS Secretary General Met with Judges of the Environmental Court of Chile

  September 16, 2014

OAS Secretary General Met with Judges of the Environmental Court of Chile
Photo: OAS

The Secretary General of the Organization of American States (OAS), José Miguel Insulza, today met with three members of the Third Environmental Court of Chile to discuss the implications of this new kind of judicial instance that several countries in Latin America are beginning to put in place.

Ministers Jorge Retamal and Roberto Pastén, and Alternate Minister Pablo Miranda who are currently in Washington, DC, to attend a training workshop for Chilean judges organized by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) of the United States.

At the meeting, the judges shared with Secretary General Insulza details on the complex composition of such courts that include lawyers, economists, and scientists with the purpose of resolving environmental conflicts submitted by companies, as well as potentially affected communities.

Meanwhile, the OAS leader described the environmental programs implemented by the hemispheric institution, which have as one of their main areas of focus the effects of climate change on the various regions of the Hemisphere.

For more information, please visit the OAS Website at

Reference: FNE-15773