Media Center

Press Advisory


  April 14, 2008

The Organization of American States has opened registration for print, radio and television journalists as well as photographers and camera operators who wish to cover the Thirty-Eighth Regular Session of the General Assembly that will be held in Medellín, Colombia, from June 1 to 3.

At their annual gathering, the Foreign Ministers from the 34 OAS member states will discuss and take decisions on a wide-ranging agenda of topics, under the main theme of “Youth and Democratic Values.” In proposing the central theme in February, the government of Colombia stressed that the countries of the region must strengthen actions and cooperation to address the rising demands from the youth.

On his visit to the OAS headquarters last February, Colombia’s Foreign Affairs Minister, Fernando Araújo Perdomo, spoke about the important role of the youth. He argued that government agendas must have the necessary tools to promote incorporation of the youth into the political, social and productive arenas.

“We are fortunate to be living in hemisphere of youth. Nearly one fifth of our population is between the ages of 15 and 24 years of age. While we often think of young people only as beneficiaries of certain public policies, we must ask ourselves what opportunities we are providing them so their rights as citizens, their involvement in decision-making and their active participation reflect the vitality of our democracies,” the Colombian Foreign Minister remarked.

The General Assembly is the highest decision-making body of the OAS, and its decisions will guide the hemispheric organization’s activities and priorities over the next year, on such issues as promoting good governance, strengthening human rights, enhancing hemispheric security and addressing shared security concerns. A draft agenda and related documents can be found online, on the OAS General Assembly website (

The Media registration form and the Press Handbook are available online, respectively at:
( (

Media representatives are being asked to fill out and submit their form no later than May 23.

Reference: AVI-017/08