Media Center

Press Advisory


  September 20, 2004

The Organization of American States (OAS) and the Center for Civic Education will hold the Inter-American Seminar on Education for Democracy in Washington, D.C., from September 20 to 23.

The seminar will examine education-for-democracy initiatives coordinated by the OAS and by other prominent institutions in both the formal and non-formal educational sectors. It will bring together high-level education authorities, representatives of international organizations and other institutions, as well as experts on civic education from more than 14 countries of the hemisphere and seven U.S. states.

The event is also the annual seminar for the Civitas Latin America: A Civic Education Exchange Program sponsored by the Center for Civic Education, a U.S. nonprofit, nonpartisan educational organization dedicated to fostering democratic values and principles through civic education and international exchange.

The event, which is open to the public, opens today at 6 p.m. at OAS headquarters, located at 17th St. and Constitution Ave. NW. Sessions will continue at 9 a.m. Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday at the OAS building at 1889 F St. NW. There will be simultaneous interpretation in English and Spanish.

Reference: AVI-078/04