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Press Release

OAS Issues Call for Applications for its Academic Scholarships Program

  January 13, 2012

The Organization of American States (OAS) is now receiving applications for its Regular Academic Scholarships Program available to students from the Member States of the Organization. The objective of this program is to support the Member States in the development of human resources in areas of regional and national priority through the use of knowledge and experiences of the countries of the Americas.

The scholarships will be awarded for full-time studies in any of the Member States of the OAS except the country of origin (sponsor) of the applicant. Studies may be conducted in person, long-distance or a combination of both for a period of no more than two academic years. All citizens or permanent residents of member countries may apply for “postgraduate” scholarships (scholarships for master or doctorate degrees, or postgraduate research towards a university degree) information is available here. Citizens and legal residents of English-speaking Caribbean countries and Suriname may apply for scholarships for undergraduate studies in the last two years of study, information is available here

Created 53 years ago, the program has awarded more than 21 thousand scholarships for master and doctorate degrees and research. “One of the major strengths of this program is that it allows the scholarship recipient to pursue an advanced university education or research in almost any country in the region for up to two years,” explains Maria Levens, Director of the Department of Human Development, Education and Culture. “After completing their studies abroad, students are required to return to their home country to apply what they’ve learned towards the development of their communities.”

Scholarship benefits are assessed on a case-by-case basis and may cover part or all of tuition, living costs, study materials, airfare and health insurance, up to a maximum of $30,000 per year and renewable for one additional year. Applicants for this awarding cycle will be eligible for funding to begin in January 2013 and no later than March 2014.

Application deadlines vary from country to country and are established by a specially designated National Liaison Office (ONE) in each Member State. These offices must submit a pre-selected list of eligible candidates to the OAS by April 15, 2012. Interested applicants should use the link provided below to identify and contact their corresponding ONE and to find official information on the program:

For more information, please visit the OAS Website at

Reference: E-006/12