Media Center

Press Release


  February 10, 2003

OAS Assistant Secretary General Luigi Einaudi announced today that the Special OAS Mission for Strengthening Democracy in Haiti is now receiving material support from 17 countries, two regional organizations and the Holy See. The cumulative total of pledges and contributions exceeds US$5.5 million dollars. Initial contributions of US$2.4 million from Antigua and Barbuda, the Bahamas, Barbados, Canada, Cyprus, France, Germany, Haiti, Italy, Korea, Nicaragua, Norway, Spain, Sweden, the United Kingdom, the United States and CARICOM have actually been exceeded by the most recent pledges and contributions by the Governments of Brazil, Canada, Sweden, Korea, the Holy See, the United States and the European Union. In addition, the OAS is in discussion with the World Bank and the Inter-American Development Bank in keeping with Permanent Council Resolution CP/RES.822.

According to the Assistant Secretary General, the Special Mission has “the unified support of key actors throughout the world, including Europe and Asia as well as all the Americas.” The diverse sources of these contributions is “a clear demonstration that the international community remains committed both to Haiti and to a course that enables all actors to advance, in concert, under the terms of CP/RES. 822.” Einaudi added that the sums pledged and received are still less than half of the resources needed to provide needed electoral assistance and security, but that he expects support from the international community “to multiply in direct proportion to Haitian achievements in accordance with CP/RES. 822.”

The new influx of support is enabling the Special Mission to accelerate planning to improve security, support investigations and prepare for elections this year provided that they are held in compliance with CP/RES. 822, which calls for improved security and broad participation in all aspects of the electoral process. Electoral and citizen security, criminal investigation and disarmament are among the priorities already agreed with the Government of Haiti in Terms of Reference signed last November between Special Mission head David Lee and Prime Minister Yvon Neptune.

The united world commitment to security, democracy and development in Haiti is also reflected in a High-level Delegation to Haiti that is assembling to visit Port au Prince, February 16-19.

Reference: E-030/03