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Press Release

Open Call for OAS Regular Academic Scholarship Program

  December 16, 2011

The Organization of American States (OAS) opened the application period for its Regular Academic Scholarships Program 2013 -2014, a program that will allow the recipient to pursue an advanced university education or research in almost any country in the region for up to two years.

The Scholarships, which are open to all citizens or permanent residents of an OAS Member State, offer benefits that may cover all or part of tuition, living costs, study materials, airfare and health insurance, up to $30,000 per year and renewable for one additional year.

Applicants for this awarding cycle will be eligible for funding to begin in January 2013 and no later than March 2014. Application deadlines vary from country to country and are established by a specially designated National Liaison Office (ONE) in each Member State. These offices must submit a pre-selected list of eligible candidates to the OAS by April 15, 2012.

Interested candidates must use the link here to identify and contact your ONE and to find official information about the program. It is recommended to carefully review the program requirements, eligible fields of study, regulations and deadlines before submitting an application.

The program in its 53 years of existence has awarded more than 21,000 scholarships to study master, doctoral and graduate research. Students from the English-speaking Caribbean and Suriname are also eligible to apply for funding for the last two years of their undergraduate studies. The objective of this program is to support the OAS member states in developing human resources in areas of regional and national priority by leveraging the knowledge and experience of other countries in the Americas.

For more information, please visit the OAS Website at

Reference: E-1017/11