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Press Release

OAS Announces winners of the Inter-American Award on Innovation in Effective Public Management – 2016

  October 14, 2016

The Organization of American States (OAS) announces winners of the “Inter-American Award on Innovation in Effective Public Management - 2016”, which aims at identifying and promoting innovative actions in the public management of national, departmental and local governments of the Hemisphere.

The initiative seeks to recognize, identify and systematize tools and innovative experiences in public management, to disseminate, replicate and adapt them in the region in order to continue improving public institutions at all administrative levels.

In total, 159 applications were received from 15 OAS Member States.

The results are as follows:

Category: Quality in Public Services

Winner: Municipalidad Distrital de Miraflores del Perú
Innovative Experience: Basura que no es basura

Category: Institutional Coordination

Winner: Municipalidad Distrital de Miraflores del Perú
Innovative Experience: Huaca Pucllana-Modelo de Cooperación para la Recuperación del Patrimonio

Category: Promotion of Rights and Gender Equity approach

Winner: Defensoría del Público de Servicios de Comunicación Audiovisual de Argentina
Innovative Experience: Promoción de la equidad de género en la radio y televisión argentina

Category: Open Government and Access to Public Information

Winner: Ministerio de Agricultura y Desarrollo Rural de Colombia
Innovative Experience: Agronet Red de Información y Comunicación del Sector Agropecuario

Special Recognition
Unidad de Acceso a la Información Pública (UAIP) / Agencia para el Desarrollo del Gobierno de Gestión Electrónica y la Sociedad de la Información y del Conocimiento (AGESIC) del Uruguay
Innovative Experience: “Queremos Saber”

Category: Social Inclusion

Winner: Alcaldía Municipal El Carmen de Viboral – Antioquia / Colombia
Innovative Experience: La Honda Renace – Retornos Integrales como mecanismos de atención a población víctima del conflicto armado

Category: Planning and Evaluation of Public Policies

Winner: Gobierno de Jalisco. Secretaría de Planeación, Administración y Finanzas. Dirección General de Monitoreo y Evaluación de México
Innovative Experience: Estrategia Evalúa Jalisco

Category: Management and Human Resources

Winner: Autoridad Nacional de Servicio Civil – SERVIR / Perú
Innovative Experience: El Cuerpo de Gerentes Públicos


Special Recognition:
Registro Nacional de las Personas (RENAP) de Guatemala
Innovative Experience: Implantación del Sistema de Carrera Registral, como instrumento en la gestión de los Recursos Humanos en el RENAP

The Special Jury was composed of:

- Diana Villiers Negroponte, member of the advisory board of the Wilson Center.
- Kevin Casas-Zamora, Director of the Inter-American Dialogue's Peter D. Bell Rule of Law Program.
- Zakiya Carr Johnson, Director of the Race, Ethnicity, and Social Inclusion Unit, Bureau of Western Hemisphere Affairs, U.S. State. Department.
- Luz Patricia Mejia Guerrero, Technical Secretary of the Follow-up OAS Mechanism of the Inter-American Convention on the Prevention, Punishment and Eradication of Violence against Women “Convention of Belém do Pará” (MESECVI).

Reference: E-110/16